Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1884 results.

SOE2022 Lakes Wetlands

When compared to criteria set out in the National Objectives Framework (NOF), Lake Rotorangi falls within band B for TLI Score Description Classification 0 - 2 Microtrophic: The lake is very clean with very low levels of nutrients and algae. The lake can have snow or glacial sources. Very good >2 - 3 Oligotrophic: The lake is clear and blue, with low levels of nutrients and algae Good >3 - 4 Mesotrophic: The lake has moderate levels of nutrients and algae. Fair >4 - 5

Appendix J - organic composting protocols (vermiculture only)

“customer site” for a. A minimum of 3 weeks, before spreading (no turning required). page Remediation (NZ) Ltd RW-P-751-001-B Organic Production Protocols Greenwaste Composting & Vermiculture - 8 - b. A cover should be applied to reduce excess moisture retention from rain events. c. The Revital contract spreader will ensure that before the product is spread it has met 2(a) above, and the spreading records will be filed as part of the

Dec2019 Monthy Rainfall web

page STRATFORD WAITARA Provisional data only PATEA NEW PLYMOUTH OPUNAKE ELTHAM MANAIA HAWERA EGMONT NATIONAL PARK Total monthly rainfall (mm) KEY xxx yy% INGLEWOOD Pohokura Saddle Dawson Falls Cape Egmont Stratford Whareroa Patea North Egmont Inglewood Motunui Brooklands Kaka Rd Kotare Rimunui Glenn Rd Huinga 112% 105% 100% 131% 78% 180%166% 226% 195% 119% 172% 102% 127

Malandra Downs Ltd Annual Report 2021-2022

this coastal area is considered ’high energy’, and also that there is only a very narrow strip of beach (at low tide only), any waters emerging from the cliff would be swiftly mixed and dispersed. Any effects on groundwater quality or coastal water quality would be negligible. In general, the creation of stable interlocked layers of green waste ensures that it does not fall off, or get blown off the cliffs and down onto the coastal marine area or into the sea. From observations made during

Executive, Audit & Risk agenda August 2021

spotted by a TRC environment officer enjoying the rain at the top of Denbigh Road this week. It's so cool to see them venturing out of the national park more and more. Well done to farmers and landowners around the boundary - your trapping efforts are making it safer for them to do so. (Towards Predator Free) 1.3K 47 Executive, Audit & Risk Committee - Financial and Operational Report 13 page Common Seal 16. The following transactions were executed under Common

Greymouth Petroleum Ltd Ngatoro E Hydraulic Fracturing Monitoring Programme Report 2022 2023

signed resource consent please contact the TRC Consents department) page Water abstraction permits Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. Permits authorising the abstraction of water are issued by the Council under Section 87(d) of the RMA. Water discharge

Coastal Plan submissions A-F

environment be prohibited unless there is an unforeseen emergency such as a tree falling on a pipe but that said, all risks should be assessed and prevented. It is unacceptable in this day and age to be discharging contaminants to fresh or seawater. There are always alternatives such as grey and black water systems or controlled evaporation. As a society we use far too much clean water to ‘wash away’ contaminants. This attitude has to stop. In most places around the world they wouldn’t think of