Policy and Planning Committee
Tuesday 17 July 2018
Taranaki Regional Council, Stratford
Agenda for the meeting of the Policy and Planning Committee to be held in the
Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 17
July 2018 commencing at 10.30am.
Members Councillor M P Joyce
Councillor B K Raine
Councillor C S Williamson
Councillor D L Lean (ex officio)
Representative Mr J
Groundwater probe $100.00 per day
Rain gauge calibration $300.00 per deployment
Automatic water quality samplers $50.00 per day
Hydrological gauging equipment (wading) $60.00 per gauging
Hydrological gauging equipment (M9) $120.00 per gauging
Datalogger $160.00 per year
GPRS telemetry $30 per month
Radio telemetry $10 per month
Repair Parts (battery/fuse/cable) $50 per deployment
Bertrand Rd hydrology equipment $750.00 per year
Lake Rotorangi telemetry $1,752.00
Recount in 1990.
100-year flood protection and takes into
account the effects of climate change. The aim
has been to make the scheme as resilient as
A one-in-100-year flow at Waitara is estimated
at around 3,800 cubic metres per second,
which is more than twice the highest flow
measured at 1,640 cubic metres during the
heavy rain event on 20 June 2015 (picture). A
one-in-100-year flood would be about three
metres higher, with a substantially higher
highest 24-hour rainfalls in
New Zealand. A combination of intense rainfall and
small catchments with hilly topography means the
region’s rivers can rise very rapidly.
New Zealand has a relatively high number of
landslides compared with other countries. Fortunately, the country’s low population density and settlement
patterns mean there are few landslide deaths and comparatively limited damage.
Heavy rain causes erosion and bank collapse in
Mākāhu in the Stratford District.
to section 297. The Court understands for present purposes that:
(a) all parties to the proceedings have executed the memorandum requesting
this order;
(b) all parties are satisfied that all matters proposed for the Court’s
endorsement are within the scope of relief sought in the appellants’
notices of appeal, fall within the Court’s jurisdiction, and conform to the
relevant requirements and objectives of the Act including, in particular,
Part 2.
Possum Self-help The site falls outside the possum self-help area.
Herbivores - High The property lies outside the self help possum boundary. The back
block and roadside blocks are mostly or fully fenced to exclude
stock, while the middle block is able to be accessed by stock and
has evidently been grazed through.
Habitat Modification - Medium The back block and roadside blocks are mostly or fully fenced to
exclude stock. Remaining areas will be proposed to be fenced in
conjunction with
rain which was
noted on a couple of inspections in case ponding occurs.
15.2 ha
6 ha
4.4 ha
1.2 ha
1.2 ha
Ballance Agri-Nutrients
11.2 ha
2.2.2 Discharge monitoring Effluent volume
Special Condition 2 of consent 0597-3 limits the volume discharged to 1,470 m³/d. The Company measures
and records daily the effluent volume sprayed on each irrigation plot and forwards this data to the Council.
terraced coastline where
sedimentary rock is softer than that of the laharic material of the ring plain coast.
There are a number of small estuaries at the mouths of Taranaki’s larger rivers. These
estuaries are well flushed with little diversity in the way of intertidal and subtidal habitats.
Sedimentation has a major influence on the region’s estuaries, the factors behind which
include rain fall and modified land use. There is generally abundant sediment supply to
the coast
approximately 2.1 ha in size
and is comprised of a cutover lowland tawa dominant forest remnant on hill slopes and stream terraces.
The remnant is of a native forest type that is classified as 'Chronically Threatened' in Taranaki and falls
within 'Acutely Threatened' Land Environment (LENZ) F5.2a. Remnants such as this provide important
habitat for rare and threatened species. Gillett Family Bush also offers good connectivity to other nearby
habitats, private QEII covenants and Key Native Ecosystems in
Operations and Regulatory Agenda Oct 2023