Ethylene g/m3 <0.003 <0.004 <0.003 <0.003 <0.004 <0.003 <0.004
Dissolved iron g/m3 0.19 10.6 0.19 5.1 7.7 9.4 10.6
Formaldehyde g/m3 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02
g/m3 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4
Hydrocarbons g/m3 <0.7 <0.7 <0.7 <0.7 <0.7 <0.7 <0.7
Bicarbonate g/m3 HCO3 91 109 100 109 91 95 95
g/m3 CaCO3 40 53 40 53 44 46 47
g/m3 <0.00008 <0.00008 <0.00008 <0.00008 <0.00008 <0.00008 <0.00008
Potassium g/m3
Figure 21 LOWESS trend plot at the Constance Street site 50
Figure 22 Numbers of taxa and MCI values in the Waiwhakaiho River at Lake
Rotomanu 51
Figure 23 LOWESS trend plot of MCI data at the site adjacent to Lake Rotomanu 53
Figure 24 Numbers of taxa and MCI values in the Mangorei Stream at SH3 56
Figure 25 LOWESS trend plot of MCI data at the SH3 site 58
Figure 26 Numbers of taxa and MCI values in the Manganui River above the
railway bridge (SH3) 60
Figure 27 LOWESS
fracture interval was below 3,425 mTVD. Post job simulation indicates that the
fractures were contained, and did not extend beyond this point;
• The fracturing fluid used was water based;
• The volume of fluid pumped into the formation (discharge) was 280 cubic metres
(m³) with total proppant of 53 tons.
• The total duration of treatment was 83 minutes;
• In total, 313 m³ of fluid was recovered from the well post fracturing, in excess of
100% of the volume discharged. Returned
Timaru Stream 23
Carrington Road site (TMR000150) 23
SH45 site (TMR000375) 26
Discussion 29
3.2.3 Mangaoraka Stream 30
Corbett Road site (MRK000420) 30
Discussion 33
3.2.4 Waiongana Stream 34
State Highway 3a site (WGA000260) 34
Devon Road site (WGA000450) 37
Discussion 40
3.2.5 Waiwhakaiho River 41
National Park site (WKH000100) 41
Egmont Village site (WKH000500) 44
Constance Street
Compliance history 40
11. Assessment of Effects 44
11.1 Effects of the composting operation 44
11.1.1 Effects on surface water 44
11.1.2 Ecological effects 51
11.1.3 Effects on soil 53
11.1.4 Effects on groundwater 58
11.1.5 Effects on air quality 65
11.2 Effects of the stockpiled material, and the discharge of this material to land as a
‘soil conditioner’ 73
11.3 Effects of the wetland treatment system (WTS) 76
11.4 Effects on cultural
Origin Energy Kupe production station consent monitoring report 2016-2017
Origin Energy Kupe production station consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
hydrocarbons (PAH’s) and volatile aromatic compounds (BTEX) results
which were all below the limits of detection (Appendix II).
Table 3 Origin supplied soil results from the Geary site during the 2011 – 2012 monitoring period
Parameter Unit Consent Limit
Spreading Areas Sampled
Benzene mg/kg 1.1 <0.02
Toluene mg/kg 68 <0.02
Ethylbenzene mg/kg 53 <0.02
m & p xylene mg/kg 48 <0.02
o xylene mg/kg 48 <0.02
Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg 0.027 <0.02
Napthalene mg/kg 7.2
<0.010 <0.010
Ethylbenzene g/m3 0.017 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
m-Xylene g/m3 0.08 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02
o-Xylene g/m3 0.002 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
C7-C9 hydrocarbons g/m3 0.24 <0.6 <0.6 <0.6
C10-C14 hydrocarbons g/m3 360 28 360 14.4
C15-C36 hydrocarbons g/m3 53 42 49 43
Total hydrocarbons g/m3 420 69 410 58
Table 6 Results of hydraulic fracturing fluid sampling
Site code GND3059 GND3066 GND3067
Todd id. MHW28 MHW29 MHW30
Sample id. Unit TRC192893 TRC193383 TRC193385 …