• Coastal marine area boundary a point on the line formed by joining the middle lines of
High Street West and High Street East, Waitara, at or about grid reference 2617000E
7. Waiongana Stream
• River mouth at the observed mouth (Waiongana Stream bar), grid reference
Q19: 125-448 on Infomap 260, Waitara. (Note the river no longer enters the sea at the
position shown on that map.)
• Coastal marine area boundary a point on an extension of the line dividing
are inclusive of GST
f) appointed the New Plymouth District Council, the Stratford District Council and the South
Taranaki District Council, pursuant to section 53 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, to
collect the rates set by the Taranaki Regional Council in their respective constituencies
g) delegated to the New Plymouth District Council, the Stratford District Council and the South
Taranaki District Council the power to postpone and remit rates pursuant to the
and charges will become payable at the principal offices
and service centres of the region’s district councils. The rates and charges can also
be paid at the principal office of the Taranaki Regional Council
noted that all rates set are inclusive of GST
appointed the New Plymouth District Council, the Stratford District Council and
the South Taranaki District Council, pursuant to section 53 of the Local Government
(Rating) Act 2002, to collect the rates set by the Taranaki Regional
the volume of landfill is expected to
be at least several hundred thousand cubic metres. The park is bounded by the remnants of the gully walls which
slope steeply up to Marfell School and residential properties on Endeavour Street to the west and residential properties
on Cook Street to the east.
The top level of the park has an area of about 3.3 ha and the intermediate level has an area of about 1 ha.
Combined, these two areas make up the majority of the park but perhaps
employed, both of whom have passenger-endorsed
driver licences. Wairoa has no taxi service, and this service operates on a similar basis to
total mobility. The main users of the service are the elderly and people with disabilities.
Helen Maygar,
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
159 Dalton Street
Private Bag 6006
Napier06 833 8087
0800 108 838
totalmobility@hbrc.govt.nz 06 835 9200
12 Waka Kotahi Total
____________________________________________________________ Post Code: ______________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________ Mobile: _________________________________________
Contact person: (if different to name above): ______________________________________________________________________
Street Address of property affected (if different to address above)
of species per quadrat *Shannon-Wiener index per quadrat
Mean Median Max Min SD Mean Median Max Min SD
Turangi 54 16.0 16.3 20.9 11.7 1.98 0.89 0.89 1.03 0.68 0.07
Orapa 48 13.6 14.2 17.8 1.6 3.41 0.86 0.90 1.06 0.15 0.19
Mangati 46 13.6 14.0 18.2 3.4 3.08 0.86 0.91 1.05 0.28 0.16
Greenwood 50 15.9 16.6 23.8 0.2 4.44 0.89 0.92 1.15 0.02 0.18
Manihi 44 19.9 19.8 27.7 15.0 2.60 1.05 1.07 1.20 0.89 0.06
Waihi 53 11.4 11.6 17.0 4.8 2.04 0.85 0.85 1.03 0.40 0.10
10.4 Environmental and administrative performance summary 50
10.5 Alterations and recommendations for 2022-2024 52
11 R A Wallis Ltd - Lower Glenn Road Quarry 2nd Compliance Monitoring Biennial Report 2020-
2022 53
11.1 Introduction 53
11.2 Resource consents 53
11.3 Compliance monitoring programme 54
11.4 Environmental and administrative performance summary 54
11.5 Alterations and recommendations for 2022-2024 56
12 Taunt Contracting Ltd – Bird Road 13th Compliance
surrounds of Bore 5 were due to be upgraded in the near future. A drill
truck was in place near the WTP, however there was no activity at the time of the inspection in relation to
drilling of the new bore.
Waverley Water Supply
The Swinbourne Street bore was abstracting at the rate of 25 m3 at the time of the inspection, in compliance
with consent conditions. The Chester Street and Fookes Street bores were not in use. A new WTP has been
built with a sand filter,
2018/19 with
99.9% completion by 30 June 2019. Generally the only remaining street
lights left to be upgraded in the New Plymouth street lights.
Let’s Go (the NPDC’s Model walking and cycling community’s ongoing
initiative) successfully completed Cyclist Skills and Scooter Skills
delivery to Primary School students. Our survey of primary school
travel indicates that 70% of New Plymouth primary schools walk or
cycle to school.
4.2 Stratford District Council