Submission on resource consent application
Online reference number: CA210835714
Completed on: 18 Aug 2021
Submitter's details
Full name or company name of submitter Graham John Elliott
Contact Name Graham Elliott
Contact phone number 067551950
Postal Address: 76 Airport Drive, RD 3, New Plymouth 4373
Street address of property affected (if different to the
address above):
76 Airport Drive, RD 3, New Plymouth 4373
The Council will
Submission on resource consent application
Online reference number: CA210838408
Completed on: 20 Aug 2021
Submitter's details
Full name or company name of submitter Kevin John McDonald and Glenis June McDonald
Contact Name Kevin and Glenis McDonald
Contact phone number 06 7550696 or 0274190734
Postal Address: 62 Airport Drive, RD 3, New Plymouth 4373
Street address of property affected (if different to the address
Submission No. 1
Murray Hancock
4c Antonio Street
Decision sought
Section 4 of RPMP: Organisms
declared as pests
(a) Include Sycamore tree as a pest plant.
Officers’ response
The submitter’s comment is noted. Officers agree that
Sycamore trees have potential ‘pest’ characteristics,
particularly in relation to biodiversity values. However,
the application of rules requiring land occupiers across
the region to control the species is
of site performance 51
10.3.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 51
10.3.3 Evaluation of performance 51
10.3.4 Recommendations from the 2015-2016 Annual Report 52
10.3.5 Alterations to the monitoring programme for 2017-2018 52
10.4 Recommendation 52
11 Graham Harris (2000) Ltd – Egmont Road, New Plymouth 53
11.1 Site description and activities 53
11.2 Results 53
11.2.1 Inspections 53
11.2.2 Results of receiving environment monitoring 54
WestSide New Zealand Rimu Production Station Annual Report 2022-2023
(25 June 2019)
The groundwater bore and reservoir tanks were inspected. The pump was not operating and the reservoir
tanks were full. No issues were noted.
Waverley Beach Water Supply (25 June 2019)
The existing bore (permitted use) and plant were inspected and found to be compliant with Regional
Freshwater Plan (RFWP) rules. The operations log was inspecteed and no issues were noted.
Waverley Water Supply (25 June 2019)
Swinburne Street bore
highly-exposed coastline which gets
regularly battered by strong seas and is subjected to considerable sand abrasion,
burial, and movement up and down. This “environmental” influence is viewed by
most experts as the single biggest factor influencing what is found where, and in what
Direct discharges include(d) the New Plymouth sewage outfall at Eliot Street (now
gone), the Bell Block oxidation ponds (ditto), the Carrousel plant discharge, the old
Brixton dairy factory
4.3.4 Evaluation of performance 53
Seaport Land Company Ltd 54
4.4.1 Site description 54
4.4.2 Results 54
4.4.3 Incidents, investigations, and interventions 55
4.4.4 Evaluation of performance 55
Discussion 56
4.5.1 Discussion of site performance 56
4.5.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 56
4.5.3 Evaluation of performance 56
4.5.4 Recommendations from the 2022/23 Annual Report 56
4.5.5 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2024/25 56