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Malandra Downs consent monitoring 2019-2020

located at 246 Egmont Street, Patea. 2. No green waste shall be discharged within 50 metres of the cliff. 3. The consent holder shall at all times adopt the best practicable option, as defined in section 2 of the Resource Management Act 1991, to prevent or minimise any adverse effects on the environment from the exercise of this consent, including by avoiding as far as practicable adverse effects on the Victoria Street Key Native Ecosystem. 4. Ingram’s Contracting of Hawera, Fulton …

Annual Report 2013/2014 - full document

raising the stopbanks from Browne Street at the upstream end of Waitara to the Town Bridge and on the eastern bank from North Street to High Street east. An early start to winter rains halted works before they were completed and so the works will be completed when the weather dries out before the end of 2014. The scheme upgrade works will increase the standard of flood protection to Waitara … to a 1% AEP (100-year) standard. Detailed design of the more complex parts of the

Annual report 2013-2014

manufacturing complex located on Domett Street at Waitara, in the Waitara River catchment. This report for the period July 2013-June 2014 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental performance during the period under review. The report details the results of the monitoring undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of ANZCO’s activities. ANZCO holds three resource consents, which include a total of 19

Submission Gerard Francis Karalus

page Submission on resource consent application Online reference number: CA200403901 Completed on: 13 Apr 2020 Submitter's details Full name or company name of submitter Gerard Francis Karalus Contact Name Gerard Karalus Email Contact phone number 0275902277 Postal Address: 259 Turuturu Road, RD 14, Hawera Street address of property affected (if different to the address above) NA The Council will serve all formal documents electronically via

Remediation hearing - Council Officers' Final Recommendation

mS/m Chloride 700 Sodium adsorption ratio 8 (ratio) TPH C7-C9 120 TPH C10-C14 58 TPH C15-C36 4000 Naphthalene 7.2 Pyrene 160 page Benzo (a) pyrene 0.027 Benzene 1.1 Toluene 68 Ethylbenzene 53 Xylenes 48 1SCS – Rural Residential MfE 2011b; 2 Alberta Environment 2009; 3 NZWWA 2003, lowest of protection of human health and ecological receptors. (Biosolids to land) Groundwater quality 24. The consent holder shall maintain all groundwater monitoring wells on site.

Annual report 2014-2015

with the ponds’ system maintenance or operation, with no unauthorised overflows to the stream of any nature. Three incidents of stormwater/sewage overflows were reported in the Konini and Brown Streets areas of the township due to surcharging of the reticulation under very heavy rainfall conditions. Reactivation of an alarmed and telemetered overflow site has been necessary to alleviate sewage entry to domestic property. Signage requirements have been recognised and provided for should such

Anne-Maree McKay - Remediation NZ submission

page Submission on resource consent application Online reference number: CA190208753 Completed on: 11 Feb 2019 Submitter's details Full name or company name of submitter Anne-Maree McKay Contact Name Anne-Maree Email Contact phone number 0272522726 Postal Address: 987 Pukearuhe Road, RD 44, Urenui 4377 Street address of property affected (if different to the address above) NA The Council will serve all formal documents electronically via