Submission on resource consent application
Online reference number: CA200402965
Completed on: 09 Apr 2020
Submitter's details
Full name or company name of submitter Murray Dobbin
Contact Name Murray Dobbin
Contact phone number 0211634486
Postal Address: PO Box 88, Opunake 4645
Street address of property affected (if different to the address
The Council will serve all formal documents electronically via the email
Constituent Maximum value
(mg/kg unless otherwise stated)
Arsenic 1 17
Barium – Barite 2 10,000
Extractable Barium 2 250
Cadmium 1 0.8
Chromium 3 600
Copper 3 100
Lead 1 160
Nickel 3 60
Mercury 1
Zinc 3 300
Sodium 460
Conductivity 290 mS/m
Chloride 700
Sodium adsorption ratio 8 (ratio)
TPH C7-C9 120
TPH C10-C14 58
TPH C15-C36 4000
Naphthalene 7.2
Pyrene 160
Benzo (a) pyrene 0.027
Benzene 1.1
Toluene 68
Ethylbenzene 53
Xylenes 48
1SCS – Rural Residential MfE 2011b; 2 Alberta
Waikaikai landfarm consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Greymouth Petroleum Kowai-C hydraulic fracturing monitoring report.
Greymouth Petroleum Ohanga-A hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Hawera Tangahoe
22-03313-4.0 3313-4.0 South Taranaki District Council 28-Feb-22 Replacement for expiring consent To take and use groundwater from the "Fookes Street" bore (GND0244), the "Chester Street" bore (GND0059) and the
"Swinbourne Street" bore (GND2242) for municipal water supply purposes at Waverley
Water Permit Fookes Street, Chester Street & Swinbourne Street, Waverley Whenuakura
22-11004-1.0 11004-1.0 Joblin Partners Limited 1-Mar-22 New consent To construct and use a bridge over
councils. The rates and charges can also be paid at
the principal office of the Taranaki Regional Council.
GST Inclusive
All rates set are inclusive of GST.
b) appoints the New Plymouth District Council, the Stratford District Council and the
South Taranaki District Council, pursuant to section 53 of the Local Government
(Rating) Act 2002, to collect the rates set by the Taranaki Regional Council.
c) delegates to the New Plymouth District Council, the Stratford District Council
Pump rate
pumped m3
Jan 28.5 28.5 23.5 26.8 30 805
Feb 42 99 31 57.3 30 1,720
Mar 77.5 77.5 54 69.7 30 2,090
Apr 50 50 59.5 53.2 30 1,595
May 153 53 55 87.0 30 2,610
Jun 60 60 37 52.3 30 1,570
Jul 41 41 93.5 58.5 30 1,755
Aug 92.5 92.5 77 87.3 30 2,620
Sep 54.5 54.5 93 67.3 30 2,020
Oct 34.5 34.5 78.5 49.2 30 1,475
Nov 45 45 26 38.7 30 1,160
Dec 33 36.0 34 34.3 30 1,030
Total 711.5 671.5 662 681.7
4.8.3 Long-term trend analysis 44
4.9 Opunake Beach 46
4.9.1 SEM programme 46
4.9.2 Comparison with previous summer surveys 48
4.9.3 Long-term trend analysis 48
4.9.4 MfE guidelines additional sampling 49
4.10 Ohawe Beach 51
4.10.1 SEM programme 51
4.10.2 Comparison with previous summer surveys 53
4.10.3 Long-term trend analysis 54
4.11 Patea Beach 54
4.11.1 SEM programme 54
4.11.2 Comparison with previous summer surveys 56
4.12 Mana Bay 57
4.12.1 SEM programme 57