activities 50
10.2 Results 50
Inspections 50 10.2.1
Results of receiving environment monitoring 51 10.2.2
10.3 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 51
10.4 Discussion 52
Discussion of site performance 52 10.4.1
Environmental effects of exercise of consents 52 10.4.2
Evaluation of performance 52 10.4.3
Recommendations from the 2013-2014 Annual Report 53 10.4.4
Alterations to the monitoring programme for 2015-2016 53 10.4.5
10.5 Recommendation 54
Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 2021-2027
Draft Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 2021 - for public consultatiion
Track-changes version of Proposed Coastal Plan for hearing
Greymouth Petroleum Turangi B hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
clearly signed
What next?
Delivery and next steps
Before end 2019: Strategy and first action plan published
Other key steps between now and end 2019 to progress specific actions will include:
o Consultation on Accessible Streets
o Policy decisions on the Tackling Unsafe Speeds package
o Rule changes to mandate ABS in motorcycles
o Big programme of road improvements thorugh NZTA’s Safe Networks Programme
Q1 2019
(Jan – Mar)
Q2 2019
(Apr – Jun)
Dalziell Road, Eltham Waingongoro
21-02915-3.0 George Alfred Jupp 14-May-21 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 53 Tikorangi Road, Tikorangi Waiaua
21-09900-1.1 Kaipi Holdings Limited 10-May-21 Change of consent conditions To take and use groundwater for general dairy farm and poultry
farming operations...change of consent conditions to include dairy
production facility
Water Permit 202 Kaipi Road, Egmont Village Waiwhakaiho
ANZCO Foods Waitara Ltd
Monitoring Programme
Annual Report
Technical Report 2019-24
Taranaki Regional Council
ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713
Document: 2292548 (Word) STRATFORD
Document: 2294428 (Pdf) September 2019
Executive summary
ANZCO Foods Waitara Ltd (ANZCO) operates a food (meat) manufacturing complex located on Domett
Street at