Your search for '53 cumming street' returned 1544 results.

ANZCO Waitara consent monitoring 2018-2019

page ANZCO Foods Waitara Ltd Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2018-2019 Technical Report 2019-24 Taranaki Regional Council ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713 Document: 2292548 (Word) STRATFORD Document: 2294428 (Pdf) September 2019 page page Executive summary ANZCO Foods Waitara Ltd (ANZCO) operates a food (meat) manufacturing complex located on Domett Street at

Biennial report 2013-2015

the Taranaki Regional Council Name of Consent Holder: Waverley Bulk Transport Limited 2 Bear Street WAVERLEY 4510 Decision Date: 28 May 2013 Commencement Date: 28 May 2013 Conditions of Consent Consent Granted: To discharge stormwater onto and into land from quarrying activities Expiry Date: 1 June 2028 Review Date(s): June 2016, June 2022 Site Location: Rangitatau West Road, Waitotara Legal Description:

Eltham waste water plant monitoring 2020-2021

2020-2021 Technical Report 2021-20 Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Document: 2808959 (Word) Document: 2816414 (Pdf) August 2021 page page Executive summary The South Taranaki District Council (STDC) operates a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) located on Castle Street at Eltham, in the Waingongoro

Summer 2010-2011

40 3.2.8 Lake Opunake 41 Compliance with guidelines 43 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 43 Cyanobacteria 44 3.2.9 Timaru Stream at Weld Road (near mouth) 45 page ii Compliance with guidelines 47 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 47 3.2.10 Waimoku Stream at Oakura beach 48 Compliance with guidelines 51 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 52 3.2.11 Oakura River below SH45 53

Rules 52-76: Uses of river and lake beds (excluding Stony catchment)

structures on river and lake beds regulated by the NES-PF. 53  Activity is for the purpose of maintaining structure in good repair or working order or for minor upgrading;  No contaminants shall be released to the river or lake bed from equipment being used for the activity, and no refuelling of equipment shall take place on any area of the river or lake bed;  Sediment disturbance shall not give rise to a decrease in visual clarity of water on more than 50% beyond a zone of

Annual report 2013-2014

to the old Eltham landfill, downstream of the Castle Street bridge. For the period ending 30 June 2014, there is a total of 133 km of the 138 km of Mangawhero Stream banks (upstream of the Mangawharawhara Stream confluence) adequately fenced and 18 km with riparian vegetation. A further 5 km (fencing) and 10 km (vegetation) have been recommended within riparian farm plans for completion. Correspondingly, 53 km (fencing) and 28 km (vegetated) of the 75 km of Mangawharawhara Stream banks

STDC Hawera Municipal Oxidation Ponds Annual Report 2022-2023

M ed ian Nu m be r M in M ax M ed ian 12:05 11:45 10:30 11:05 11:30 12:15 Dissolved carbonaceous BOD (g O2/m3) 7.3 5.6 2.1 14 6.9 6.3 6.6 71 < 2 87 9 Oil and grease (g/m3) <7 <8 5 <20 <7 <7 <7 72 < 5 430 <5 Total Ammoniacal N (g/m3) 48 25 47 36 68 53 48 69 5 75 35 Total N (g/m3) 53 30 56 41 81 60 55 73 21 92 47 Total P (g/m3) 8.2 6.1 9.4 9.6 13 9.9 9.5 73 4.2 21 9.1 Temp. °C 12.4 15.0 22.2 22.5 17.2 11.0 16.1 99 7.6