Report 2013
Greymouth Petroleum Turangi B consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Greymouth Petroleum Turangi B consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Matters arising Consultation Document and Supporting Documentation for the 2018/2028 Long-Term Plan Mr M J Nield, Director-Corporate Services, advised the Council that the public submission period for the 2018/2028 Long-Term plan closed on Friday 6 April 2018. 53 submissions have been received with close to 30 submitters wishing to be heard in support of their submission that will be considered on 7 May 2017. 2. Consents and Regulatory Committee Minutes – 13 March 2018
‘three waters’ project addresses water/wastewater and storm-water transported in reticulation systems such as sewers, pipes and street gutters. Management of flood waters is not and never will be part of the three waters project. River control and flood management provide significantly different contributions to national outcomes than the other services local government provides. It requires a whole catchment approach. It is also reliant on a mandate established in specific and
employee skills and capability also for talent succession. For instance, 53 percent of tier three people leaders and critical roles have a clear or potential successor identified within the business, and approximately 37 percent of roles in the past year have been filled by succession. Strategic importance Transport and infrastructure assets, such as ports, are of crucial strategic importance. Ports allow for goods to be distributed to businesses and consumers, adding value to
14 Wookey Lane, PO Box 577, Kumeu, Auckland Ph: 09/412-7048 Fax: 09/412-7410 Mob: 0275/990-227 (Terry Donnelly) Mob: 021/311-532 (John O’Grady) South Taranaki District Council Private Bag 902 105-111 Albion Street Hawera 30 April 2008 Attention: Mr Graham Young Subject: Demolition of Patea Freezing Works Dear Mr Young, Thank you for arranging for us to meet Noel McColl at the Patea Freezing Works Site on Thursday morning. My business partner Terry Donnelly
organisms listed in Tables 1 and 2 below are classified as pests. The tables also indicate what management programme or programmes will apply to the pest and if a rule, including a Good Neighbour Rule (GNR), applies. Attention is also drawn to: • The general administrative powers of inspection and entry, contained in Part 6 of the Act, which would be made available to the Council; • The statutory obligations of any person under sections 52 and 53 of the Act. These sections ban anyone from
Consent Holder: Westside New Zealand Limited Level 17 300 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia Decision Date: 1 November 2016 Commencement Date: 1 November 2016 Conditions of Consent Consent Granted: To discharge treated stormwater from the Rimu Production Station onto and into land and into an unnamed tributary of the Manawapou River Expiry Date: 1 June 2034 Review Date(s): June 2022, June 2028 Site Location: Rimu Production Station,
Streets, Cardiff Walkway (multiple events), Esk Road (multiple events), Midhurst Domain, Standish Road, Pembroke Road, Swansea/Warwick Roads, Celia Street (west), Brookes Road, Monmouth Road, Mangaoapa Road and Matau Saddle (multiple events). In terms of the volume by types of waste, the largest volumes were from the categories ’mixed rubbish’ and ‘furniture, whiteware and electronic’, including several mattresses. Waste types by numbers of events are shown in Figure 6 below, with ‘rubbish
Rimu Production Station resource consent monitoring report 2020-2021