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Annual report 2012-2013

Table 26 Summary of performance for consent 2054: to dam the Mangamahoe Stream for HEP generation purposes 66 Table 27 Summary of performance for consent 4886: to erect and maintain structures in, and dam, the Mangamahoe Stream for the formation of Lake Mangamahoe for HEP generation purposes 66 Table 28 Summary of performance for consent 4887: to erect and maintain structures associated with the diversion of Waiwhakaiho River water into Lake Mangamahoe for HEP generation purposes 67

Rules 30-41: Industrial-trade or other discharges (waste management)

page 65 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki Discharges from industrial or trade premises or other places or sources: waste management processes page 66 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki page 67 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki Discharges from Waste Management Processes – Combustion For

Mangapouri Cemetery Annual Report 2020 2021

6.1 6.1 6.7 Total alkalinity g/m3 CaCO3 60 61 55 59 55 110 Carbonate g/m3 CO3 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Bicarbonate g/m3 HCO3 74 74 67 72 67 134 Total hardness g/m3 CaCO3 76 73 61 65 60 108 Electrical conductivity mS/m 23.2 23.2 19.8 20.3 18.7 31.3 Total suspended solids g/m3 124 200 30 12 <3 680 Total dissolved solids g/m3 147 145 124 129 124 220 Dissolved aluminium g/m3 - - <0.03 - <0.003 0.006 Dissolved arsenic g/m3 - - <0.0010 - <0.0010 <0.0010 Dissolved barium g/m3 - - 0.033 -

Summer 2010-2011 Compliance with guidelines 55 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 55 3.2.12 Waitara River at the town wharf, Waitara 56 Compliance with guidelines 59 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 60 3.2.13 Urenui River at the estuary 61 Compliance with guidelines 62 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 63 3.2.14 Manganui River at Everett Park (downstream of Kurapete Stream) 65 Compliance with guidelines 67

Schedule of charges Annual Plan 2023 2024

regulations 26 and 65 associated with sediment management c) regulations 28 and 55 addressing accelerated erosion, stream obstruction, or diversion of water flow d) regulations 31, 56, and 67 addressing sediment and stormwater controls e) regulations 36-46 for river crossings (fish passage, effects on other structures, erosion and sediment control and discharges) f) regulations 32 and 55 regarding site stabilisation g) regulation 58 regarding quarrying h) regulation 68 regarding

Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki Updated Interim version incorporaing Environment Court Decisions

and 15B may not be undertaken within the coastal marine area unless expressly allowed by a national environmental standard, a rule in a regional plan, or a resource consent. The national environmental standard, plan or resource consent may prescribe the noise standards for those activities (section 16). 2.1.2 National policy statements and environmental standards Section 67 of the RMA specifies that regional plans must give effect to: (a) any national policy statement,

Optimisation of Farm Irrigation Part 2

and Opunake) Mean 142 116 92 55 35 23 26 40 60 90 113 136 928 Std Dev 9 9 6 6 4 4 4 5 5 6 5 14 120 Min 122 101 80 44 26 15 18 32 48 80 102 106 480 Max 158 130 103 67 44 29 33 46 66 99 120 158 974 New Plymouth Mean 141 119 99 63 42 29 34 47 65 90 114 133 976 Std Dev 12 8 8 6 5 3 4 5 7 6 10 11 37 Min 124 105 87 54 30 23 29 38 50 75 96 114 922 Max 165 133 118 75 52 34 46 61 74 106 133 151 1044 Inglewood Mean 120 101 85 53 36 25 29 40 55 76 97 113 830 Std Dev 10 7 7