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Annual report 2016-2017

63 10.3.4. Surface water and discharge monitoring 66 10.3.5. Investigations, interventions, and incidents 67 10.4. Discussion 67 10.4.1. Environmental effects of exercise of consents 67 10.4.2. Evaluation of performance 68 10.4.3. Recommendation from the 2015-2016 Annual Report 70 10.4.4. Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2017-2018 70 10.5. Recommendation 70 11. New Zealand Railways Corporation/Kiwi Rail 71 11.1. Process description 71 11.2. Water

Remediation New Zealand Ltd Uruti Composting Facility Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020 2021

monitoring GND3008 May 2019- May 2021 45 Figure 18 EC monitoring GND3009 September 2018 - May 2021 47 Figure 19 TDS monitoring GND3009 August 2018 - May 2021 47 Figure 20 Ammoniacal nitrogen monitoring GND3009 February 2019 - May 2021 47 Figure 21 Total recoverable barium 2020-2021 soil analysis 66 Figure 22 2019-2021 soil analysis total recoverable barium by irrigation area 67 Figure 23 Soil chloride concentrations by irrigation area 2018-2021 68 Figure 24 Total recoverable

Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust newsletter May 2020

page Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust Inc. NEWSLETTER May 2020 VOLUME 67 NO.2 As for all of us, lockdown at Pukeiti came quickly, requiring urgent decisions. The gardens, like many, had to shut to the public and staff members were sent home. Management understood, though, that arrangements would have to be made to tend the nursery and Vireya House. Jeremy Murray, employed as a temporary gardener, volunteered to take up residence in The Lodge studio unit and …

Report 2014-2016

66 2.7.1 Flow and nutrient data and survey dates 67 2.7.2 Periphyton cover 67 2.7.3 Periphyton Index Score 69 2.7.4 Periphyton biomass 69 2.7.5 Summary of 2002-2016 (14 year data set) 70 2.7.6 Long term trend analysis 72 2.8 Kapoaiaia Stream 74 2.8.1 Flow data, nutrient data and survey dates 74 2.8.2 Periphyton cover 75 2.8.3 Periphyton Index Score 76 2.8.4 Periphyton biomass 77 2.8.5 Summary of 2002-2016 (14 year data set) 78 2.8.6 Long term trend analysis 80 2.9 Waiongana

Summer 2009-2010

the Manganui River at Everett Park (downstream of Kurapete Stream) 68 Table 66 Bacterial guidelines performance at the Manganui River at Everett Park (upstream of Kurapete Stream) [% of 13 samples] 68 Table 67 Summary of E. coli bacteriological water quality summary data (nos/100ml) for all summer surveys in the Manganui River at Everett Park to date 69 Table 68 Analytical results for Lake Ratapiko 70 Table 69 Statistical results summary for Lake Ratapiko 71 Table 70 Bacterial

Annual report 2012-2013

receiving waters 60 5.3.2 Lower river impacts 61 Impacts of overflow events on receiving waters 63 5.3.3 Summary of impact monitoring of the receiving waters of the river 63 5.3.4 Contact recreational bacteriological water quality monitoring 64 5.3.5 Lower Patea River at the boat ramp 64 ‘Mana’ Bay 65 Patea Beach 66 Summary of impact monitoring of recreational monitoring receiving water sites 67 Biological monitoring 68 5.4 Microflora of