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Annual report 2009-2010

Maketawa Stream 64 Denby Road (MKW000200) 64 Tarata Road site (MKW000300) 67 Discussion 70 3.2.9 Waitara River 71 Mamaku Road site (WTR000850) 71 Community composition 72 Temporal trends in 1995 to 2010 data 73 Discussion 74 3.2.10 Mangati Stream 75 Site downstream of railbrige (MGT000488) 75 Te Rima Place, Bell Block (MGT000520) 77 Discussion 80 3.2.11 Waimoku Stream 81 Lucy’s

Northern Quarries Biennial Report 2020-2022

Taranaki Trucking Company Ltd, Wiremu Road 16th Compliance Monitoring Biennial Report 2020-2022 63 11.1 Introduction 63 11.2 Resource consents 64 11.3 Compliance monitoring programme 64 11.4 Environmental and administrative performance summary 64 11.1 Alterations and recommendations for 2022-2024 66 12 Whitaker Civil Engineering Ltd Quarry 21th Compliance Monitoring Biennial Report 2020-2022 67 12.1 Introduction 67 12.2 Resource consents 67 12.3 Compliance monitoring programme 68 12.4

Statement of Proposal 2023-24 Section 36 Schedule of Administrative Charges

to be managed and aligned to divert water runoff to stable ground and away from areas of constructed fill, and to minimise disturbance to earthflows and gullies b) regulations 26 and 65 associated with sediment management c) regulations 28 and 55 addressing accelerated erosion, stream obstruction, or diversion of water flow d) regulations 31, 56, and 67 addressing sediment and stormwater controls e) regulations 36-46 for river crossings (fish passage, effects on other

Annual report 2015-2016

McLeod’s drain 64 Discharge to Waiwhakaiho River from Rifle Range Road and Struthers Place 64 Discharge to Waiwhakaiho River from Vickers Road 65 Discharge to Mangaone Stream from mid Katere Road 66 Discharge to Mangaone Stream from Hurlstone Drive 67 10.3.2 Bewley Road industrial development 67 10.3.3 Groundwater monitoring 67 10.3.4 Surface water monitoring 70 10.3.5 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 72 10.4 Discussion 72 10.4.1

Freshwater ecological monitoring 2018-2019

in terms of historical median MCI score 144 Table 67 Summary of Mann-Kendall test results for MCI scores trended over time (1995-2019) for 59 Taranaki streams/rivers (p with FDR applied) (significant = p < 0.05 and highly significant = p < 0.01) 146 List of figures Figure 1 Location of macroinvertebrate fauna sampling sites for the 2018-2019 SEM programme 6 Figure 2 Numbers of taxa and MCI values in the Hangatahua (Stony) River at Mangatete Road 13 Figure 3 LOWESS trend