Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2364 results.

Council meeting agenda December 2018

October 2018. Williamson/Duynhoven 3. Minutes of the State Highway 3 Working Party 3.1 The minutes of the State Highway 3 Working Party (SH3WP) meeting held on 29 October 2018 were received and noted. Recommended THAT the Taranaki Regional Council 1. receives, for information purposes, the unconfirmed minutes of the State Highway 3 Working Party meeting held on Monday 29 October 2018. Duynhoven/Volzke 4. Regional Road Safety update 4.1 Ms M Webby,

Weather study unit

Everett Park Inglewood 10 109 58 74 694 74 68 Kaka Road Okoki 8 87 46 55 672 69 54 Mangaoapa Road Purangi 10 85 43 63 552 58 52 Pohokura Saddle Pohokura 10 75 45 55 561 65 53 Duffy’s Farm Hawera 11 46 40 37 370 65 74 Punehu* Pihama 10 97 91 83 470 87 91 Durham Street Patea 10 61 51 46 498 70 69 Waitotara Waitotara Valley 11 92 63 50 502 72 70 Note: * = NIWA station Table 2Table 2Table 2Table 2 Rivers Recorded height (m) Maximum Minimum Mean River and site

Appendix 10H: Te Atiawa

illustrated through Te Atiawa traditions and histories. The traditions and histories also represent the spiritual links and an unbroken continuity with Te Atiawa tipuna and present generations and reinforce Te Atiawa tribal identity. Bayly Road Conservation Area (as shown on deed plan OTS-043-23) The site is located at the edge of Waitapu Urupa at Nga Motu (islands) beach, New Plymouth and is in the rohe of Ngati Te Whiti. Waitapu is named after the stream which takes its name

Form B – Land Use (Use of beds of lakes and rivers)

Number Section ☐ Functional need not required because there will be no loss of river values (see ☐ Is there a functional need for the structure? ☐ For the reason that the structure is currently authorised, it is not practicable to remove it. ☐ For the reason that associated infrastructure, such as a road or other access, must cross the river at this location. ☐ For other reasons I have detailed in the attached documentation

Recount 96 - March 2015

Normanby project is among the first in the Government’s new Accelerated Regional Roading Package, which provides separate funding for high-priority projects without dipping into the also-new regional highway funding programme of about $90 million a year. Allocation of the latter is contestable among regions nationwide. Wrangles over funding for Normanby had come to a head early in 2012, as transport spending priorities for the coming three years were being

Biennial report 2011-2013

The monitoring programme for the Onewhaia Road quarry consists of three primary components. 1.5.2 Programme liaison and management There is generally a significant investment of time and resources by the Taranaki Regional Council in ongoing liaison with resource consent holders over consent conditions and their interpretation and application, in discussion over monitoring requirements, preparation for any reviews, renewals, or new consents, advice on the Council's environmental

Annual report 2014-2015

Silver Fern Farms Limited 2. 2.1 Process description Silver Fern Farms Limited (Silver Fern Farms) operates a meat processing plant at Tawhiti Road, Hawera. The plant processes beef (including slaughter, dressing, cold store operations) for export and domestic markets. Throughput of beef peaks at approximately 1,000 bodies per day. Paunch and stockyard solids are piped under Tawhiti Road to an area of land adjacent to the plant. The solids are separated using two (2 mm) rotating

Application attachment 3 appendix B Records of Title Trustpower Limited 26 Nov 2021

Area 3660 square metres more or less Legal Description Lot 1 Deposited Plan 10436 Registered Owners Trustpower Limited Interests The within land has no frontage to a legal road page Identifier TNC2/714 Register Only Search Copy Dated 27/10/21 9:27 am, Page of 2 2 Transaction ID 66776549 Client Reference polly smith=mdl000730 page Register Only Search Copy Dated 27/10/21 9:28 am, Page of 1 2 Transaction ID 66776578 Client Reference polly

September 2022 Monthly Rainfall Report

112.0 95 1142.0 123 90 1999 Hawera Tawhiti 19 77.0 85 1092.5 138 100 1993 Patea Bore3 21 84.6 88 1146.2 133 99 2006 Hawken Rd 19 87.6 82 1077.0 121 92 2016 Te Tuhi Jn 21 147.0 118 1313.0 136 98 2018 Mataimona Trig 23 199.0 126 1535.0 130 92 2018 page September Year to Date Hydro_Sites # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began Marco Road