Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2362 results.

Annual report 2012-2013

599A South Road at Hawera, in the Tangahoe catchment. The piggery is a breeder, grower and finishing operation with up to 5000 pigs at any one time. This report for the period July 2012-June 2013 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council to assess the Company’s environmental performance during the period under review, and the results and environmental effects of the Company’s activities. The Company holds a total of two resource consents, which

Greymouth southern sites monitoring 2019-2020

with resource consents held by Greymouth Petroleum Ltd (GPL). GPL operates the Kaimiro Production Station situated on Upland Road at Inglewood, in the Waiongana catchment. The associated Ngatoro-A satellite site is located on Upper Dudley Road at Inglewood, in the Waitara catchment. A further 20 wellsites are monitored annually in conjunction with the Kaimiro Production Station. Radnor Production Station is also operated by GPL and is located on Radnor Road in Midhirst in the Patea catchment. …

Kupe PS consent monitoring 2018-2019

Resources NZ (Kupe) Ltd (Beach Energy) operates a petrochemical production station located on Inaha Road at Manaia, in the Inaha and Kapuni catchments. The Kupe Production Station processes oil and gas from the offshore Kupe wells. This report for the period July 2018 to June 2019 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also

Annual report 2011-2012

3. Conclusions 38 Discussion of 2011-2012 programme 38 3.1 Water quality 38 3.1.1 Biology 39 3.1.2 2010-2011 Report's recommendations 40 3.2 Alterations to monitoring programme for 2012-2013 40 3.3 4. Recommendation 41 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 42 Biography and References 44 page ii Appendix I Flow data for the Patea River at Skinner Road, the Mangaehu River at Raupuha Road bridge, and the synthesised inflow into Lake

Annual report 2014-2015

abstraction rates at all four locations. There were no abstractions from the Waiongana Stream in relation to the Waitara industrial supply during the 2014-2015 monitoring period (contingency only). Stream flow data 2.4.2. Consent 0026-3, to take water from the Mangatete Stream in the Kaihihi catchment for public water supply purposes, includes the following two conditions: Condition 6: When the flow in the Mangatete Stream, measured beneath the Saunders Road bridge, is less than

Report 2013-2015

formation these gels ‘break’ back with time and temperature to a liquid state and are flowed back to surface without disturbing the proppant wedge. With continued flow, fluids pumped as part of hydraulic fracturing process, formation fluids and hydrocarbons are drawn to the surface. 1.2.2 Kowhai-C wellsite history The Kowhai-C wellsite has been in operation since 2013. The area around the wellsite and Otaraoa Road is rural with low population density. The site lies in an active petroleum

Port catchments consent monitoring 2019-2020

Tank Farm 2.4.1 Site description OMV Taranaki Ltd’s (OMV) installation is located on the corner of Paritutu Road and Centennial Drive. It consists of five condensate storage tanks bunded into three separate areas (Figure 3). The tank bunds have been progressively upgraded, and they are all now lined and HSNO compliant. Stormwater from the site is sampled to confirm compliance with consent conditions prior to being directed to a water/oil separator for treatment and discharge to the …

Remediation Hearing Ngāti Mutunga McClutchie

and of course up to recent times, where we still have a small grazing unit of approximately 48 hectares. 4 During my life I have seen the activity in the awa diminish significantly. 5 As a child I would spend most of my weekends on the farm, which at the time my grandad farmed with my nana. 6 Whenever I stayed at grandad and nanas, grandad would pick me up from school and we would always make our way home to the farm via the Mimi stock route (we called it the old road). This road

Form 500: General form for consent which doesn't fit above categories

Regional Explorer; Alternatively, contact the Consents Department at the Council and request an aerial photograph to be provided. Aerial photograph (or map) included  Please make sure the following is shown on your aerial photograph or map:  Site of proposed activity   Local Roads   Property Boundaries   Any other relevant features  5 Details of the Activity 5.1. If you have discussed this proposal

Form 401: Erect structure and occupy coastal space

Department at the Council and request an aerial photograph to be provided. Aerial photograph (or map) included  Please make sure the following is shown on your aerial photograph or map:  Site of proposed works   Local Roads   Property boundaries   Any other relevant features  5 Details of the Activity 5.1 If you have discussed this proposal with council staff, please give the person’s name here: