Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2365 results.

Report 2013-2015

period, a wellsite was established with 4 wells drilled (Mangahewa-17, Mangahewa-18, Mangahewa-19, and Mangahewa-20), tested and hydraulically fractured. This report covers the results and findings of the monitoring programme implemented by the Council in respect of the consents held by the Company that relate to exploration activities at Mangahewa-E wellsite located along Tikorangi Road East in the New Plymouth district. One of the intents of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) is

Council meeting agenda July 2019

to the Regional Transport Advisory Group on the proposed new project ‘Taranaki State Highway Speed Management Guide Implementation’ to enable it to be more fully considered in due course. Williamson/Volzke 5. Regional Road Safety Update 5.1 Ms C Symes, Ms T Atkinson-Watt and Senior Sergeant R O’Keefe from the Taranaki Road Safety Action Planning Group gave a presentation and update to members on road safety activities in the region. Recommended That the Taranaki

Rawiri McClutchie - Remediation NZ submission

electronically via the email address provided above. Application to which submission relates Name of applicant Remediation (NZ) Ltd Proposal (activity type and location) Waste material to land for composting and treated storm water and leachate from composting operations onto and into land in cricumstances where contaminants may enter water in the haehanga stream catchment and directly into an unamed tributary of the haehanga stream. 1460 Mokau Road Uruti TRC Consent number/s 5839-3.0 I am a

Route 51 Orbiter New Plymouth

IE L D R D M O R L E Y S T T S N O T G NI R R A C B R O O K L A N D S R D LEMON ST HORI ST BROIS ST H U A T O K I S T SOUTH RD P O P LA R G R WALLATH RD 3.30PM DIRECTION 51 AM 51 Clockwise MORNING Cnr Omata Road Spotswood Devon Int. NPGHS Sacred Heart NPBHS Highlands Int. 7.50 7.56 8.00 8.15 8.18 8.25 8.30 PMNPGHS Sacred Heart NPBHS

Route 54 Orbiter New Plymouth

page FDMC SPOTSWOOD HIGHLANDS DEVON NPBHS NPGHS SHGC 54 54 7.50AM 3.20PM WELBOURN WOODLEIGH VOGELTOWN 7.58AM 8.01AM 8.10AM 8.14AM 8.25AM 8.28AM 8.33AM R54 Afternoon service finishes corner of Seaview Road and Devon St West 4.04PM3.25PM 3.30PM 3.35PM 3.39PM 3.49PM 3.54PM OMATA RD OMATA RD P O P LA R G R *Save money on school bus fares with a Smart Card multi-trip (40 trip) pass.

Appendix 9: Smoke from burning vegitation

be burned (such as trimmings, pruning or fellings cut from active growth) should as a general guide be allowed to dry to brown appearance prior to burning. Except for tree stumps or crop stubble, the place of combustion should be at least 50 metres from any road other than a highway, and 100 metres from any highway or dwellinghouse on a neighbouring property or national park boundary. Due regard should be given to direction and strength of wind, and quantity and

Waihapa PS consent monitoring 2020-2021

Annual Report 2020-2021 Technical Report 2021-35 Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Document: 2795464 (Word) Document: 2856398 (Pdf) November 2021 page page Executive summary TWN Ltd Partnership (the Company) operates a hydrocarbon production station located on Bird Road Stratford, in the Patea

Form 110: Discharge contaminants to water or land (including Coastal Marine Area)

photograph or clear map showing the location of the proposed discharge: An aerial photograph of the site can be obtained free of charge from Taranaki Regional Explorer; Alternatively, contact the Consents Department at the Council and request an aerial photograph to be provided. Aerial photograph (or map) included  Please make sure the following is shown on your aerial photograph or map:  Cowshed   Local Roads   Ponds

Form 101: Poultry discharge to land/water/air

to be provided. Aerial photograph (or map) included  Please make sure the items listed below are identified on your aerial photograph or map:  Dwellings within 400 metres of the sheds   Location of discharge points   Location of sheds   Local Roads   Property boundaries   Any other relevant features  If this application is for a change to conditions, go to Section 5 below If this application is for a renewal