Executive, Audit & Risk agenda October 2021
Executive, Audit & Risk Committee agenda October 2021
Executive, Audit & Risk Committee agenda October 2021
relevant definitions of these activities. Officers undertook additional engagement with submitters on these issues to further canvas and road test changes to the structure maintenance/alteration/extension rules. Sewage discharge rules: a number of iwi submitters were strongly opposed to allowing any new discharges of treated human sewage to the open coast (even as a consented activity). Council officers recommend addressing these concerns by prohibiting any new discharges of treated human
focused programme of action for indigenous biodiversity work, and set out a road map for the future. The maintenance of indigenous biodiversity is work that spans across all sections of the Council and thus requires a ‘whole of council approach’. The Strategy spells out actions the Council proposes to undertake in order to implement the biodiversity objective, policies and methods of the Proposed Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki (‘PRPS’)(Appendix 1) and where
Summary of Decisions Requested - Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki
Rimutauteka Road within the Waitara Catchment. An unnamed tributary of the Manganui River is located 80 m to the north of the wellsite and the main channel of the Manganui River is located approximately 250 m north of the wellsite The area surrounding the site is rural in nature and farming and forestry activities co-exist with active petroleum exploration and production operations. The location of the wellsite is illustrated in Figure 1. A summary of the hydraulic fracturing activities carried
Agenda for Policy & Planning Committee May 2017.