Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2359 results.

Environmental leadership in business

monitors, sourcing of local materials and engaging the best local contractors for the job. Additional works have also protected a pipe bridge and the Skeet Road bridge, downstream and upstream farmland and infrastructure from further erosion. Webster Energy Services - for innovation and developing containment systems to protect the ground around drilling rigs and prevent spills from reaching the environment around wells. Webster Energy Services has transformed how it deals with spills around drilling

Flood warning gear targeted in attack

certain trigger levels, so that farmers know when they should move stock or take other precautions, and communities and roading contractors know when road access may be at risk. “Our flood monitoring networks are hugely important, so we were gutted to find that vandals had been at work,” says Regan Phipps, the Council’s Science Manager – Hydrology/Biology. “This vandalism is a huge disservice to those communities.” He says anyone who sees people tampering with monitoring equipment should call the

Transport planning documents

aims, the immediate priorities for the roading network, the best ways to meet a raft of new challenges, and the development of bike trails. Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 2021-2027 (5.1 MB pdf) (single document only) Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 2021-2027 (5.1 MB pdf) Taranaki Regional Public Transport Plan 2020-2030 This Plan, adopted in 2020, sets out the Council's objectives and policies for public transport in the region, and network and development plans for the decade.

Transport planning documents

aims, the immediate priorities for the roading network, the best ways to meet a raft of new challenges, and the development of bike trails. Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 2021-2027 (5.1 MB pdf) (single document only) Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 2021-2027 (5.1 MB pdf) Taranaki Regional Public Transport Plan 2020-2030 This Plan, adopted in 2020, sets out the Council's objectives and policies for public transport in the region, and network and development plans for the decade.

Council meeting agenda April 2019

receives the 96 Fonterra Kapuni Air and Water Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2017-2018 and adopts the specific recommendations therein. 28. receives the 97 Westown Haulage Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2017-2018 and adopts the specific recommendations therein. 29. receives the 98 Civil Quarries Ltd - Everett Road Quarry Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2017-2018 and adopts the specific recommendations therein. Ordinary Meeting - Consents and Regulatory Committee Minutes 13

Consents and Regulatory Committee Agenda March 2022

recommendations therein l) receives the 21-67 STDC Closed Landfills Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020-2021 and notes the specific recommendations therein m) receives the 21-68 Candyman Trust Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020-2021 and notes the specific recommendations therein n) receives the 21-69 Westown Haulage Cowling Road Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020-2021 and notes the specific recommendations therein. Lean/Littlewood Consents and Regulatory Committee -

The Road Ahead: Economic Development Study on SH3 North

page 1THE ROAD AHEAD Venture TARANAKI Te Puna Umanga THE ROAD AHEAD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STUDY ON STATE HIGHWAY 3 NORTH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY page 2 THE ROAD AHEAD Introduction On one level it crosses a rugged and complex landscape - scaling mountains and tracing gorges - a route deemed to be expensive and low priority under prevailing national infrastructure funding models, particularly given its comparatively low traffic count. On another level it links

Colson Road Landfill Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020 2021 2990010

page NPDC Colson Road Landfill Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020-2021 Technical Report 2021-97 page Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Document: 2990010 (Word) Document: 3007569 (Pdf) April 2022 page NPDC Colson Road Landfill Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020-2021


(1012 KB PDF) Irrigation consent monitoring 2019-2020 (854 KB pdf) Irrigation consent monitoring 2018-2019 (922 KB pdf) Irrigation consent monitoring 2017-2018 (882 KB pdf) Annual report 2016-2017 (968 KB pdf) Annual report 2015-2016 (1 MB pdf) Annual report 2014-2015 (1007 KB pdf) Annual report 2013-2014 (1.1 MB pdf) Annual report 2012-2013 (2.2 MB pdf) NZ Pure Bred Genetics Ltd piggery The NZ Pure Bred Genetics (formerly Meadowvale) piggery on Mountain Road at Midhirst had two resource consents