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Spotlight on moth plant

Is there an annoying vine in your garden with large green pods containing a milky sap? If so, it could be moth plant – a pest plant that Taranaki Regional Council wants to destroy. The Council's biosecurity team is on a moth plant mission, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, we recently discovered a few large plants in the New Plymouth ‘hot spots’ of Fitzroy, Waiwhakaiho, Glen Avon, Westown and the central city. Moth plant is a prolific seeder, with each pod containing thousands of seeds easily

Route 95 - Highlands to Ariki St (afternoon only)

a Bee Card, however you will be charged the higher cash fare. Bee cards cost $5, plus a minimum top-up of $5. The minimum recharge amount is $5. They can recharged on the bus (cash only). Cards can be obtained online at link), or from: New Plymouth i-SITE located within the Puke Ariki building on St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth | 10am-5pm daily Tranzit at 15 Sunley Street, Westown | 8am-5pm Monday to Friday Bell Block Library at 88 Parklands Avenue | 9am-5pm Monday,

Route 92 - NPBHS to Ariki St (afternoon only)

Bee Card, however you will be charged the higher cash fare. Bee cards cost $5, plus a minimum top-up of $5. The minimum recharge amount is $5. They can recharged on the bus (cash only). Cards can be obtained online at link), or from: New Plymouth i-SITE located within the Puke Ariki building on St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth | 10am-5pm daily Tranzit at 15 Sunley Street, Westown | 8am-5pm Monday to Friday Bell Block Library at 88 Parklands Avenue | 9am-5pm Monday,

Orbiter 54

have a Bee Card, however you will be charged the higher cash fare. Bee cards cost $5, plus a minimum top-up of $5. The minimum recharge amount is $5. They can recharged on the bus (cash only). Cards can be obtained online at link), or from: New Plymouth i-SITE located within the Puke Ariki building on St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth | 10am-5pm daily Tranzit at 15 Sunley Street, Westown | 8am-5pm Monday to Friday Bell Block Library at 88 Parklands Avenue | 9am-5pm Monday,

Orbiter 53

have a Bee Card, however you will be charged the higher cash fare. Bee cards cost $5, plus a minimum top-up of $5. The minimum recharge amount is $5. They can recharged on the bus (cash only). Cards can be obtained online at link), or from: New Plymouth i-SITE located within the Puke Ariki building on St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth | 10am-5pm daily Tranzit at 15 Sunley Street, Westown | 8am-5pm Monday to Friday Bell Block Library at 88 Parklands Avenue | 9am-5pm Monday,

Orbiter 52

have a Bee Card, however you will be charged the higher cash fare. Bee cards cost $5, plus a minimum top-up of $5. The minimum recharge amount is $5. They can recharged on the bus (cash only). Cards can be obtained online at link), or from: New Plymouth i-SITE located within the Puke Ariki building on St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth | 10am-5pm daily Tranzit at 15 Sunley Street, Westown | 8am-5pm Monday to Friday Bell Block Library at 88 Parklands Avenue | 9am-5pm Monday,

Orbiter 51

have a Bee Card, however you will be charged the higher cash fare. Bee cards cost $5, plus a minimum top-up of $5. The minimum recharge amount is $5. They can recharged on the bus (cash only). Cards can be obtained online at link), or from: New Plymouth i-SITE located within the Puke Ariki building on St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth | 10am-5pm daily Tranzit at 15 Sunley Street, Westown | 8am-5pm Monday to Friday Bell Block Library at 88 Parklands Avenue | 9am-5pm Monday,

Route 45 - Oākura to NPBHS

a Bee Card, however you will be charged the higher cash fare. Bee cards cost $5, plus a minimum top-up of $5. The minimum recharge amount is $5. They can recharged on the bus (cash only). Cards can be obtained online at link), or from: New Plymouth i-SITE located within the Puke Ariki building on St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth | 10am-5pm daily Tranzit at 15 Sunley Street, Westown | 8am-5pm Monday to Friday Bell Block Library at 88 Parklands Avenue | 9am-5pm Monday,

Route 44 - Oākura to Highlands Intermediate

have a Bee Card, however you will be charged the higher cash fare. Bee cards cost $5, plus a minimum top-up of $5. The minimum recharge amount is $5. They can recharged on the bus (cash only). Cards can be obtained online at link), or from: New Plymouth i-SITE located within the Puke Ariki building on St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth | 10am-5pm daily Tranzit at 15 Sunley Street, Westown | 8am-5pm Monday to Friday Bell Block Library at 88 Parklands Avenue | 9am-5pm Monday,

Route 43 - Oākura to NPGHS

have a Bee Card, however you will be charged the higher cash fare. Bee cards cost $5, plus a minimum top-up of $5. The minimum recharge amount is $5. They can recharged on the bus (cash only). Cards can be obtained online at link), or from: New Plymouth i-SITE located within the Puke Ariki building on St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth | 10am-5pm daily Tranzit at 15 Sunley Street, Westown | 8am-5pm Monday to Friday Bell Block Library at 88 Parklands Avenue | 9am-5pm Monday,