Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2359 results.

Form No 230 Forest Harvesting

#1634312 3 Location Map Please ensure that the attached documentation includes a map that shows:  Discharge points   Local Roads   Streams   North point   Surface water bodies   Property boundaries   Location of all activities to be consented  4 Activities to be consented 4.1 Indicate the activities for which resource consent is being sought, and if no consent is being sought, whether the activity is allowed as a

Total Mobility Around New Zealand 2024

Costs Level of subsidy per trip 75% Maximum contribution by the Taranaki Regional Council The maximum contribution per trip is $20. Note: Taranaki Regional Council will pay half the fare up to a maximum of $40. Any additional fare must be paid in full by the user. Contacts 0800 TOT MOB (868 662) Taranaki Regional Council 47 Cloten Road Private Bag 713 Stratford 4352 (contains answers to frequently asked questions and forms).

TRC Interim Technical Memorandum Dissolved Oxygen and Ecosystem Metabolism NOF Baseline State September 2023

monitoring site is displayed in Table 4. Table 4: Length of sample record for dissolved oxygen monitoring sites. FMU Site Monitoring start date Summer period included in sample record Length of sample record (months) Coastal Terraces Waitaha Stream at SH3 21/11/2018 Yes 54 Mangati Stream at SH3 11/11/2016 Yes 79 Pātea Patea River at Skinner Road 1/11/2016 Yes 79 Piakau Stream d/s of Airport Farm 1/11/2022 Yes 7 Piakau Stream u/s of Airport

Full Council meeting agenda February 2021 - Part 2

Annual Plan was adopted without compromise, including reduction of the proposed rates increase from 5.72% to 4.3%. • A successful ‘Go Local Campaign’ in partnership with the Stratford Business Association has continuously championed the think local messaging to support our business community.  • Successful application of Government funds for: • $780,000 Road safety improvements creating 9 local jobs across 5 projects • $2M Children’s cycling education park and half

RKM Piggery Annual Report 2022-2023

599A South Road at Hawera, in the Tangahoe catchment. The piggery is a breeder grower and finishing operation with up to 5,000 pigs and piglets at any one time, employing between four and five full time staff. This report for the period July 2022 to June 2023 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the results

Applications received 2 October to 8 October 2023

81 – 87 Carthew Street and 2333 South Road (State Highway 45), Ōkato Kaihihi 23-11165-1.0 R2/11166-1.0 Taranaki Iwi Holdings Limited Partnership 4-Oct-23 New consent To construct an artificial wetland in the bed of a stream Land Use Consent 81 – 87 Carthew Street and 2333 South Road (State Highway 45), Ōkato Kaihihi

Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Agenda December 2022

Family Trust 68 Nowell Road, RD 12, Hawera 7-Jul-22 4136 Rangai The Wellbeing Collective 8A Captain Scott Road, Glen Eden 7-Jul-22 4137 Grower Direct 52 Borrell Road, RD 24, Tauranga 7-Jul-22 4138 Gawler Family Trust 60 Weld Road Upper, RD 4, Tataraimaka 13-Jul-22 4139 Tuahiwi Farms 132 Mangaehu Road, RD 22, Stratford 18-Jul-22 4140 Precise Limited 706 Great South Road, Penrose, Auckland 18-Jul-22 4141 Halls Road Farm Partnership 163 Oapui Road, RD 7, Inglewood 19-Jul-22

Westside Corporation Pty Ltd Deep Well Injection Annual Report 2023 2024

Manutahi-D wellsites, located at the end of Lower Ball Road in South Taranaki. The consents permit the discharge of a range of fluids by DWI, including heated water and produced water, and include a number of special conditions which the Company must satisfy. This report covers the results and findings of the monitoring programme implemented by the Council in respect of the DWI consents held by the Company. This is the seventh report to be prepared by the Council to cover the Company’s DWI

Application Appendix E Sediment Assessment 20 02053 4 0 + 5 other renewals Trustpower 25 Nov 2020

Table of contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 2 Catchment context 3 2.1 Catchment descriptions 3 2.1.1 Geology and soils 6 2.1.2 Catchment land-cover 7 2.2 Stream descriptions 8 2.2.1 Waiwhakaiho River 8 2.2.2 Mangamahoe Stream and Kent Road tributary 10 3 Sediment regime 12 3.1 Sediment type 12 3.2 Suspended sediment monitoring 15 3.3 Suspended sediment loads 17 4 Sediment sources 21 4.1 Catchment sources 21 4.2 In-stream sources 21 5 Sedimentation in