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Todd Kapuni Gas Treatment Plant (KGTP) Annual Report 2021-22

monitoring undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of the Company’s activities. During the monitoring period, Todd Petroleum Mining Company Ltd demonstrated a high level of environmental performance and high level of administrative performance. During the year the Company held seven resource consents, which included a total of 72 conditions setting out the requirements that they must satisfy. The Company held one consent to allow it to take water, two consents to discharge effluent

Community Kiwi Protection Programme - Taranaki Kiwi Trust

network & Operation Nest Egg. Established 2003 9,000 ha protected, 72 kiwi released 2. Community traplines - Mangorei & Maude tracks. Supported and maintained by enthusiastic volunteers page ENP project page CKP projects require • Long-term commitment of landowners / communities • Tremendous input of volunteer time page Both CKP & ENP projects provide protected sites for future release of kiwi from our

July 2021 hydrology report

Ntnl Park (North) 19 874.5 128 3894.0 103 55 Nov 1990 Dawson Falls Ntnl Park (South) 20 1245.5 202 4130.0 123 70 Feb 1933 Kahui Hut Ntnl Park (West) 21 648.0 125 3079.5 105 59 Nov 2005 Mangorei Upper Near bushline 19 376.0 - 2280.5 - - Feb 2017 Hillsborough 14 142.0 74 1063.5 101 61 Feb 2012 Brooklands New Plymouth 16 121.2 72 921.0 95 57 Jan 1872 Mangati Bell Block 15 115.6 81 910.2 102 61 Oct 2012 Weston's Farm Motunui 14 118.8 75 901.8 98 57 Feb 1998 Waiwhakaiho

Māori Constituency submitter list

Stringer 68 Jack Watson 69 Paul Riley 70 Don Lumsden 71 Joanne Wilkes 72 Graeme Kerr 73 Garl Adlam 74 Michael Raynes 75 Chris Brown 76 Robert Hayes 77 Truby King 78 Peter Wooffindin 79 Christopher Oliver 80 Priya Bhana page Submissions - Māori Constituency - March 2021 Submission Number Name/Organisation = submitters to be heard 81 Michael Ainsworth 82 Mike Robinson 83 Jason Parlane 84 Nathan Mansell 85 Andrew Mitchell 86 Isaac Poole 87 Allan Simons 88 Colin

Colson Rd Landfill consent monitoring 2017-2018

Photo 17 Silt below small silt pond, 4 October 2017 71 Photo 18 Tributary water level below the big silt pond, 3 May 2018 72 page 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1.1.1 Introduction This report is for the period July 2017 to June 2018 by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) on the monitoring programme associated with resource consents held by New Plymouth District Council (NPDC). NPDC