Your search for '72' returned 878 results.

Online Wave Survey data analysis & proposed regionally significant surf breaks

4.060 84 Back of Stent 3.650 80 Mangahume Reef 3.719 57 South Point 3.708 24 Rongomai Road 3.500 14 Inside Fences 4.000 19 Arawhata Road Point 3.635 63 Rocky Lefts 3.713 80 Stepladders Left and Right 3.700 10 Far Toos (Kina Road North) 3.500 12 Dread Rock 4.000 5 Rocky Rights 3.602 83 Lupins 3.686 35 Komene Road Beach 3.658 38 Slaughterhouse Left and Right 3.500 10 Oats 4.000 5 Weld Road Breaks 3.583 72 Fin Whaka 3.625 24 Kina Road 3.656 32 The Islands 3.500 6 Fitzroy Beach 3.958 97

Annual report 2012-2013

sites were inspected on three occasions during the monitoring year. A summary of the notes made during these inspections is given below. 2.1.1 9 August 2012 A site visit was made to conduct a compliance monitoring inspection. It was raining at the time of the inspection with 14 mm falling over the past 72 hours. A meeting was held at the site office with the director of the Company to discuss the new consents. The requirement to provide management plans was also discussed. Monk

Compliance, monitoring and enforcement metrics 2017-2018

ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 72 What did the survey results tell us about alignment with minimum requirements? ........................ 73 What improvements could be made to the survey in the future? ........................................................ 74 PART 5 - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................... 76

Freshwater ecological monitoring 2017-2018

sampled on 28 February 2018 162 Table 72 Macroinvertebrate fauna of the Herekawe Stream: spring SEM survey sampled 24 October 2017 and summer SEM survey sampled 8 February 2018 163 Table 73 Macroinvertebrate fauna of the Huatoki Stream: spring SEM survey sampled on 24 October 2017 164 Table 74 Macroinvertebrate fauna of the Huatoki Stream: summer SEM survey sampled on 8 February 2018 165 Table 75 Macroinvertebrate fauna of the Kapoaiaia Stream: spring SEM survey sampled on 31

STDC Closed Landfills Annual Report 2022-2023

Filtered COD g/m³ 74 98 11 290 110 Iron Acid Soluble g/m³ 15.3 16.8 0.38 72 29.7 Mercury Total g/m³ <0.00008 <0.00008 <0.00008 0.0016 - Nitrite/nitrate nitrogen g/m³ N 0.39 0.2 <0.01 3.97 - Zinc Dissolved g/m³ <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 0.086 - page 12 Figure 4 Hāwera landfill leachate chloride concentration 1999-2023 Figure 5 Hāwera landfill leachate filtered chemical oxygen demand 1999-2023 page 13 Figure 6 Hāwera landfill

NPDC New Plymouth WWTP Annual Report 2021-2022

activities. During the monitoring period, NPDC demonstrated an overall high level of environmental performance and high level of administrative performance. In relation to the operation of the NPWWTP, NPDC held six resource consents, which included a total of 72 conditions setting out the requirements that NPDC must satisfy. NPDC holds one consent to discharge treated wastewater into the Tasman Sea, one consent to discharge sludge leachate to groundwater, two consents relating to structures,

Application Attachment Appendix C Hydrology Assessment Manawa Energy 14 Feb 2023

outflows 70 3.7 River flow regime downstream of Motukawa Scheme 72 3.7.1 Synthetic time-series flows for ungauged locations 72 3.7.2 Manganui River nodes 72 3.7.3 Waitara River nodes 79 3.8 Summary of flow statistics 81 4 Proposed Motukawa HEPS Operating Regime 82 4.1 Proposed changes 82 page Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Reconsenting of Motukawa Hydroelectric Power Scheme - Hydrology Report Trustpower Ltd November 2021 Job No: 1008726 Phase 100 4.2 Operational model of the Scheme 82