Your search for 'rates' returned 2236 results.

Flexgas Ltd Ahuroa B Gas Storage Annual Report 2023-24

achieve a high level of environmental performance and compliance for 864 (89%) of a total of 967 consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored monitoring programmes, while for another 75 (8%) of the consents a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 26 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining two (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent

Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Agenda February 2024

hosting a low-key simple dangerous dams consultation, but will be more extensively used with the upcoming Long-Term Plan public consultation. See it here: 18. Marketing and communications activities continue in support of the regional gardens summer events programme. Channels have included targeted social and digital advertising, billboards, a calendar in all rates bills and we have secured media coverage of some events. Turn out has been good to

NPDC Inglewood WWTP Annual Report 2023 2024

further 26 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining two (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over the last several years, this report shows that the consent holder’s performance remains at a high level. This report includes recommendations for the 2024/25 year, including a recommendation relating to an optional review of consent 1449-5 in June 2025. page

Todd Energy Aquatic Centre Annual Report 2023 2024

2023/24 year, consent holders were found to achieve a high level of environmental performance and compliance for 864 (89%) of a total of 967 consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored monitoring programmes, while for another 75 (8%) of the consents a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 26 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining two (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall

OMV NZ Pohokura Production Station Annual Report 2023-2024

level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 26 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining two (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over the last several years, this report shows that the consent holder’s performance remains at a high level. This report includes recommendations for the 2024/25 year. page i

Ordinary Council Minutes May 2024

determined that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with section 79 of the Act, determined that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits, or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter. Walker/Cloke Setting of Rates 2024/2025 M Nield provided an update on the

STDC Eltham WWTP Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2023 2024

required improvement in their performance, while the remaining two (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over the last several years, this report shows that the consent holder’s performance remains at a high level. This report includes recommendations for the 2024/25 year. page page i Table of contents Page Introduction 1 Compliance monitoring programme

Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Agenda October 2024

109,513 137,467 -27,954 1,649,600 Dividends 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,000,000 Revenue from non-exchange transactions General rates revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,285,842 Targeted rates revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,672,956 Direct charges revenue 165,517 151,410 14,107 165,517 151,410 14,107 4,079,421 Government grants 253,956 315,355 -61,399 253,956 315,355 -61,399 4,864,586 Vested assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total income 809,500 1,044,678 -235,178 809,500 1,044,678 -235,178

Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Agenda July 2024

Rent revenue 92,306 132,500 -40,194 1,273,345 1,457,500 -184,155 1,590,000 Dividends 0 0 0 8,000,000 8,000,000 0 8,000,000 Revenue from non-exchange transactions General rates revenue 3,392,884 3,392,883 1 13,571,536 13,571,535 1 13,571,535 Targeted rates revenue 1,326,529 1,326,527 2 5,306,118 5,306,108 10 5,306,108 Direct charges revenue 206,009 1,695,277 -1,489,268 2,657,390 6,244,632 -3,587,242 9,978,882 Government grants 415,013 229,611 185,402