should these sites be converted to pasture.
Indigenous forest
As previously noted, we have discontinued the practice of comparing indigenous sites to
target values as they can be highly variable in soil quality indicators and there is generally
little that can be done to manage indicators that are outside target values. Nevertheless,
we still encourage sampling of indigenous sites as they form a baseline for rate of change
in other land uses.
It is interesting to note that
Table 2 Location of sample points for Manutahi-D wellsite 14
Table 3 Details of groundwater sampling sites 15
Table 4 Results of injectate sampling undertaken by the Council (2014-2015) 16
Table 5 Summary of volumes of waste discharged by DWI (2014-2015) 17
Table 6 Summary of the rate and pressure of the waste discharged by DWI (2014-
2015) 17
Table 7 Range of contaminants in injectate sampled in 2014-2015 19
Table 8 Results of groundwater sampling undertaken by the Council (2014-2015) 22
refinement of methods
and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the
region’s resources.
1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance
Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the Company, this
report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period
under review.
Environmental performance is concerned with actual or …
consents for Urenui Beach Camp (2046-3) and Onaero Bay Holiday Park (1389-3) that requires
improvement. This rating was influenced by the ongoing exceedances of discharge volume limits from both
camps. No adverse effects have been identified in relation to these discharges and NPDC are being pro-
active in their efforts to resolve the issues. NPDC demonstrated a high level of administrative performance
with resource consents over the same period.
For reference, in the 2020-2021 year, consent
Lake Rotorangi is due to be performed in
the 2020-2021 period.
Lake condition, in terms of lake productivity, continued to be within the category of mesotrophic to possibly
mildly eutrophic (mildly nutrient enriched). However, taking into account the influence of suspended
sediment in this reservoir, and the moderately low chlorophyll levels, the classification is more appropriately
mesotrophic. Previous trending of these water quality data over time found a very slow rate of increase in
Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by
the Company, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and
administrative performance during the period under review.
Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving
environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative
performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent
compliance in site operations and
implications of wastage. This was especially evident in the industrial sector, and several
local businesses affiliated to large companies with head offices overseas noted that
environmental management was built into their systems.
There are however, significant areas where awareness is not high or opportunities to recycle
are limited, and also anecdotal evidence of poor practice in some sectors.
This points to the need for educational programmes targeting areas where recycling rates (if
monitoring and the implications for the district.
Summary of findings:
The New Plymouth district is expected to experience high population growth.
Housing: In general, all housing indicators show upward trends. The cost of building or buying a
first home in New Plymouth has increased, with housing affordability also on the rise in the short
Rent has continued to increase but the rate of change remains steady, alongside rental
Subdivisions: The increase
any formal
protection status.
Each factor is each given a ‘condition’ score. The scores are
then used to rate the overall state of the remnant, from
‘Excellent’ to ‘Poor’.
Of the 64 forest remnants assessed between 2008 and 2014, more than half were found to be in ‘Good’ or ‘Very
good’ condition. A very small percentage of forest remnants were considered to be in ‘Poor’ condition.
The Rowan Road forest remnant KNE (above) has a biodiversity plan.