Your search for 'rates' returned 2163 results.

Annual report 2014-2015

an infringement notice issued as a result of one of the complaints received about the site. During the year, TBS Coatings Limited demonstrated a good level of environmental performance and a high level of administrative performance with the resource consent. An exceedance of the dust deposition rate was observed in two of the six gauges deployed, which may have been the result of re-suspended yard dust. The Company undertook a site clean up as a result of this non-compliance. No

TRC Waitara Catchment FMU Consultation Document September 2023

who might use water for crop irrigation and for municipal water supply to enable them to comply with any consent limits. It is also important for ensuring that water allocated for use is done so in a way that provides for other freshwater values, such as ecosystem health. Under the NPS-FM, water use is managed by setting environmental flows and levels, taking into account any changes that are likely to occur as a result of climate change. Limits can then be set on the rate and

Full Council minutes May 2020

on the update to the 2020/2021 estimates and Annual Plan and to commence the special consultative procedure (section 83 of the Local Government Act 2002) to enable the Council to fix its 2020/2021 administrative charges pursuant to section 36 of the Resource Management Act 1991 b) approves the update of the 2020/2021 estimates and Annual Plan in relation to amending the estimates to hold general rates at 2019/2020 levels c) notes the update changes the earlier proposal for a 3.8% …

Rules applying to Port Taranaki

Dispersant is applied at the rates and by the methods recommended by the manufacturer. Permitted Discharge of human sewage into water or onto land in the coastal marine area D2.3 • Discharge does not pass through soil or wetland; • Excludes discharges from ships and offshore installations. Prohibited 1.1(c), 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 5.4, 5.5, 8.1, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.7, 13.1, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3 Other discharges of water or contaminants into water or onto land in the


population of the South Taranaki district being Maori. 2013 Census figures show that the unemployment rate across the region is 5.6% with only small variations from one district to another. The rate of unemployment is below that for New Zealand which sits at 7.1%. Rates of unemployment among Maori are higher. Households without access to a motor vehicle is highest in New Plymouth district (7.2% of households) and lowest in Stratford district (6.6% of households). Households without access to a

Cheal PS consent monitoring 2017-2018

continually re-evaluate its approach and that of consent holders to resource management and, ultimately, through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the Company, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and

Annual report 2016-2017

1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the Company, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s

Review of petroleum waste landfarming

loading rates and effects on water. Sampling of soil and water is required of the consent holder to monitor contaminant inputs and the effects and progress of the landfarming. The Council also carries out regular compliance monitoring, which is documented in annual reports for each site. The reports are publicly available on the Council’s website. The Council has produced guidelines (TRC, 2005) for the disposal of drilling wastes, based on Canadian guidelines but modified for

Annual report 2014-2015

and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holder/s during the period under review, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance. Environmental performance is concerned with actual

Wai-iti consent monitoring report 2020-2021

continually re-evaluate its approach and that of consent holders to resource management and, ultimately, through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the Company, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and