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Lake Kaikura - Nofolk Road (p80-147)

Potential and actual threats to the sustainability of Maitahi Scenic Reserve’s ecological values are as follows: Threats to ecological values Level of risk Comment Pest animals Low to medium Possums and rats Weeds Low to medium Boxthorn Habitat modification Medium to high Significant cattle browsing of the understorey. Also stock trampling is exacerbating erosion rate at the top of the cliffs. Coastal erosion Site protection measures addressing

Annual report 2015-2016

review, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of information to Council (such as contingency plans and water take

web EnergyWatch appeal

Spill Contingency Plan (MOSCP, 2012) published by Taranaki Regional Council does not appear to have been referred to or referenced by the proposed Coastal Plan. It was referenced in the Cawthorn Buffer Distances Report on page 2 and in the References section. Appendix 4 Sensitive Site Coastal Info includes 66 sensitive sites relating to oil spills with the majority of the Taranaki coastline identified with ratings of Very High Risk and High Risk of Oil Spills. 4 This should be

Inventory of coastal areas of local or regional significance in the Taranaki region

and terraces, ovens and pits3 - ‘hand-dug’ Te Horo stock tunnel and a well known pre- european pathway4 Ecological/ Scientific High - geologically important ‘B’ rating on geopreservation inventory4 - best remaining examples of primary coastal hardwood and podocarp hardwood forest on the west coast of the North Island4 - fluttering shearwaters breed on the cliffs and blue penguins burrow near stream mouths1 - sand dunes at Waipingau Stream are a threatened plant site (Pingao –

iventory of coastal areas significance taranaki

and terraces, ovens and pits3 - ‘hand-dug’ Te Horo stock tunnel and a well known pre- european pathway4 Ecological/ Scientific High - geologically important ‘B’ rating on geopreservation inventory4 - best remaining examples of primary coastal hardwood and podocarp hardwood forest on the west coast of the North Island4 - fluttering shearwaters breed on the cliffs and blue penguins burrow near stream mouths1 - sand dunes at Waipingau Stream are a threatened plant site (Pingao –