Your search for 'rates' returned 2236 results.

Fonterra Whareroa Annual Report 2020-2021

Table 3 Summary of abstraction rate data for 2020-2021 11 Table 4 Limits for stormwater composition for each parameter (consents 3902, 3907, 4133) 16 Table 5 Sample results for the stormwater discharge to an unnamed tributary of the Tawhiti Stream 17 Table 6 Sample results for the stormwater discharge to an unnamed tributary of the Tangahoe River 18 Table 7 Sample results for the stormwater discharge to an unnamed coastal stream 19 Table 8 Summary of wastewater volume data for

Pātea hydro scheme monitoring 2019-2020

hydrological monitoring was undertaken by maintaining the McColl’s Bridge flow recorder. The monitoring showed that overall the scheme operated within resource consent requirements for the vast majority of the period being reported. During this period, the Company was fully compliant with lake levels and the rise and recession rate restrictions for the lower Patea River. The Company provided adequate residual flows within the Patea River at all times, with the exception of one incident that was the …

Todd Generation Junction Road Power Station Annual Report 2020-2021

rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of information to Council (such as contingency plans and water take data) in accordance

Taranaki Thoroughbred Racing consent monitoring 2017-2018

site. Inspection visits typically comprised of: • a visual inspection of the abstraction bore, production pipework monitoring equipment and associated infrastructure; and • obtaining manual measurements of groundwater levels in the abstraction and monitoring bores and retrieving electronic data. To monitor the exercising of consent 7470-1.2, abstraction volume and rate data are recorded electronically at the site by a data logging system and transferred to the Council via telemetry,

Annual report 2013-2014

environmental performance and a good level of administrative performance. There were seven incidents logged in regards to exceedance of abstraction rates by STDC plants, however these all were found to be caused by operational events, such pump starts, air in the flow meters, and data handling errors rather than actual non-compliances and/or sustained abstraction exceedances. During the monitoring period, OWSL demonstrated an overall high level of environmental performance and high level of

Housing & Business Development Capacity Assessment 2019

NZ’s medium projection for births and deaths, and the high projection rate for net migration. This reflects improving economic circumstances in the region, resulting in job creation and inward migration patterns. Birth and death rates are likely to be substantially accurate given that they reflect existing trends and there is little likelihood of step-changes in the rates. This population projection covers the entire district, including rural areas.

DraftAnnualReport18 web

continually refined and enhanced. THE BOTTOM LINE The Council finished the 2017/2018 year with a surplus of $962,000 (total comprehensive income). Total expenditure was $26.6m. Overall it was a good result, noting that the general rates increases have been at or below the rate of inflation for the past few years (a 1% general rates increase in 2017/2018). The Council’s balance sheet remains very strong, with no public debt. All of the achievements outlined here

Annual Report 2016/2017 - full report

Overall it was a good result, noting that the general rates increases have been at or below the rate of inflation for the past few years. The Council’s balance sheet remains very strong, with no public debt. We gratefully acknowledge the efforts and achievements of council staff during the year, ably governed by a team of Councillors providing clear direction, consistent with our mission. David MacLeod Basil Chamberlain Chairman Chief

ST water supplies monitoring report 2018-2019

good level of administrative performance. STDC has advised council that the breaches in discharge rates at Opunake should be resolved by February 2020. The non-compliant breaches became apparent when council received the discharge data at the end of the monitoring year. For reference, in the 2018-2019 year, consent holders were found to achieve a high level of environmental performance and compliance for 83% of the consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored monitoring programmes,