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Summary Annual Report 2018/2019

Regional representation, advocacy and investment managementCouncil 2018/19 Actual $ Council 2018/19 Budget $ Council 2017/18 Actual $ Transport 14% Hazard management 3% Recreation, culture and heritage 14% Representation, advocacy and investments 5% Resource management 44% Biosecurity 20% Other investment revenue 3% Operating revenue Government grants 8% Direct charges revenue 35% Dividends 25% Finance income 1% General rates revenue 22%

Hāwera oxidation ponds monitoring 2019-2020

report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of information to Council (such as contingency plans and …

Trustpower Motukawa hydro consent monitoring 2017-2018

regularly. A backup system allowed the collection of a limited range of critical data, which allowed Trustpower to continue operating the scheme in line with other conditions (e.g. residual flows, race water levels etc.). There was only one occasion when required flow rates were not complied with. This related to a severe weather event resulting in a high race water level but was of short duration (no more than 2.5 hours). Compliance with flushing flow requirements was good with regards to the

Dairy effluent pond guidelines update

and liner installation construction details for new ponds. For existing ponds, we provide estimated leak rates and comments on leak detection monitoring and maintenance (see Section 4). • Environmental considerations for siting new ponds (see Section 5). 1.2 Scope of work We have carried out the following: • Desk top review of available geological information including: - Townsend et al., 2008. Geology of Taranaki Area. Institute of Geological and Nuclear

Port Taranaki Industries Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020-2021

Taranaki during the year involving a lessee and a stevedoring company. One of which involved a minor hydraulic oil spill, and the other involved a minor molasses spill. Neither incident resulted in adverse environmental effects nor further enforcement action. During the year, Downer, Technix, Liquigas and Methanex obtained a high rating for environmental and high rating for administrative performance and compliance with the resource consents. Port Taranaki’s environmental performance and

Form 201: Erect bridge or culvert

________________________ Latitude OR ________________________ E ________________________ N (NZTM) 3.4 Legal description of property at site of activity (refer to land title or rates notice) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.5 Assessment/Valuation number of property (refer to land title or rates notice)

Motukawa hydro scheme monitoring 2019-2020

results for gaugings undertaken in relation to the Manganui River residual flow 14 Table 3 Details of consents and special conditions in relation to abstraction rates, discharge rates and water levels and the recording 17 Table 4 Summary of summer Manganui River daily water temperatures (°C) prior to the increase in residual flow to 400 L/s (1992-2002) and for the years since, upstream and downstream of the Motukawa HEP weir 20 Table 5 Summary of maximum daily water temperatures in the …

Urenui & Onaero monitoring report 2020-2021

consents for Urenui Beach Camp (2046-3) and Onaero Bay Holiday Park (1389-3) that requires improvement. This rating was influenced by the ongoing exceedances of discharge volume limits from both camps. No adverse effects have been identified in relation to these discharges and NPDC are being pro- active in their efforts to resolve the issues. NPDC demonstrated a high level of administrative performance with resource consents over the same period. For reference, in the 2020-2021 year, consent

Annual report 2014-2015

category of mesotrophic to possibly mildly eutrophic (mildly nutrient enriched). However, taking into page account the influence of suspended sediment in this reservoir, and the moderately low chlorophyll levels, the classification is more appropriately mesotrophic. Previous trending of this water quality data over time found a very slow rate of increase in trophic level. An update of the trend report (for the period 1990-2014) has confirmed this very slow, insignificant rate

RMA Administrative Charges Statement of Proposal 2022/23

page 2022/2023 Schedule of Administrative Charges Page 3 Document 3012941 Resource Management Act charging policy Schedule of charges pursuant to section 36 of the Resource Management Act 1991 SCHEDULE 1: SCALE OF CHARGES FOR STAFF TIME Rate for processing resource consents and responding to pollution incidents. Rate for all other Council work. Professional staff $101/hr $96/hr Professional/supervisory staff $128/hr $120/hr Managers $185/hr $173/hr Support staff