Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.


SITEDESCRIPTION............................................................................................... . 6 2. 1 Location...............................................................................g 7 "' ^mate--------------------............................. -..... -..... -.........................................................................7 2. 3 Hydrology/Hydrogeology...................................................................................7 Table 1: Kaka Road Rainfall Events

Annual report 2016-2017

Daily abstraction volumes under consent 7470-1.2 (July 2009-June 2017) 10 Figure 5 Maximum daily abstraction rate under consent 7470-1.1 (July 2009-June 2017) 10 Figure 6 Observed groundwater levels GND2102 and rainfall (July 2016-June 2017) 11 Figure 7 Observed groundwater levels GND2102 and abstraction (July 2016-June 2017) 11 Figure 8 Observed groundwater levels GND2103 and rainfall (July 2016-June 2017) 12 Figure 9 Observed groundwater levels GND2103 and abstraction

Assessment of agricultural economic impacts of nutrient management policies in Taranaki

Table 2: Estimated land use 2015 (ha) Source: TRC. Rainfall Land use <1500mm (ha) 1500-2500 (ha) >2500 (ha) Total (ha) Dairy 86,000 62,000 25,000 172,000 Dairy support 7,000 7,000 2,000 16,000 Sheep and beef 19,000 19,000 4,000 41,000 Other 19,000 21,000 70,000 111,000 Total 131,000 110,000 100,000 341,000 While there has been a decrease in sheep and beef sectors, it is unclear why this has

Weather study unit

Activity 4...................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Maths ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Taranaki Regional Council monthly rainfall and river report ................................................................................ 17 for

Port Taranaki Industries Annual Report 2022-2023

survey and heavier rain later in the morning. The survey was preceded by moderate rainfall 24 hours prior sampling (13.5 mm) at Brooklands Zoo rain gauge. There was a light mist/intermittent drizzle during sampling. Over the last seven days prior sampling 66 mm of rain was measured at Brooklands Zoo rain gauge. Samples collected were also assessed for odour. Out of the 11 samples collected, one had a distinctive odour, described as earthy/woody, coming from STW001157, which suggests the

1FurtherInformation RemediationNZLtd

.................................................................................................................................................. 8 2.3 CLIMATE .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Table 2: Kaka Road Rainfall Events 2011-17 ............................................................................................. 10 Table 3: High Intensity rainfall data (NIWA) for site ................................................................................ 10 2.4 HYDROLOGY / HYDROGEOLOGY


page Month May June July August September October November December January February March April April Days in Month 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 31 28 31 30 30 Pad area m 2 Runoff m 3 Uruti Virtual Climate Station Evaporation mm Average 31.12 21.41 25.43 39.04 57.48 85.05 109.32 126.01 134.46 107.97 88.65 52.65 52.65 878.60 Rainfall Pad 1 7,765 1 7765 0.25 1.94 Kaka Road Climate Station Rainfall mm Average 205.40 194.90 199.20 196.50

Optimisation of Farm Irrigation Part 1

3.1 Water balance method.............................................................................................9 3.2 Site Selection.........................................................................................................10 3.2.1 Rainfall and potential evapotranspiration .................................................10 3.2.2 Soil Types.................................................................................................. 11 3.3 Irrigation

Inhalable particulates (PM10) regional monitoring 2010

daily average results fell into the Ministry's 'excellent' or 'good' categories and 41% of the results met the 'acceptable' category. Six daily results from the total 138 of days monitored fell into the ‘alert’ category. It is noted that all of those six results happened during moderate to heavy rainfall events, and in the majority of cases, during fresh onshore winds. These findings confirm those of the previous inhalable particulate surveys that found sea salt spray to be a major PM10 source.

Form B - Discharges

d) Construction timetable for the erosion and sediment control works and the bulk earthworks proposed; e) Maintenance, monitoring and reporting procedures; f) Rainfall response and contingency measures including procedures to minimise adverse effects in the event of extreme rainfall events and/or the failure of any key erosion and sediment control structures; g) Procedures and timing for review and/or amendment to the erosion and sediment control measures listed in the ESCP; and,