ocean and become a threat to
During the year under review some unacceptable material was dumped at the Pātea Beach green waste
discharge site, but it was removed promptly by STDC. There was no leachate observed discharging from the
sand dune area or the stockpiled green waste during the period under review, or in previous years. These
factors, combined with the sandy substrate and low rainfall at the beach should be restricting the
production of leachate from the green waste. It
cyanobacteria were higher than in the previous
three seasons, and similar to the preceding two seasons, probably a reflection of the relative amounts of
rainfall causing freshes that scour streambeds of periphyton.
Timely reporting of the results of bacteriological water quality and cyanobacteria numbers/cover was
undertaken by use of the Taranaki Regional Council website (www.trc.govt.nz) and LAWA website
(www.lawa.org.nz), as well as liaison with territorial local
abstraction volumes under consent 7470-1.1 (July 2015-June 2016) 12
Figure 3 Maximum daily abstraction rate under consent 7470-1.1 (2015-2016) 13
Figure 4 Daily abstraction volumes under consent 7470-1.1 (2009-2016) 13
Figure 5 Maximum daily abstraction rate under consent 7470-1.1 (2009-2016) 14
Figure 6 Observed groundwater levels GND2102 and rainfall (2015-2016) 15
Figure 7 Observed groundwater levels GND2102 and abstraction (2009-2016) 15
Figure 8 Observed groundwater levels and rainfall
SITEDESCRIPTION............................................................................................... . 6
2. 1 Location...............................................................................g
7 "' ^mate--------------------............................. -..... -..... -.........................................................................7
2. 3 Hydrology/Hydrogeology...................................................................................7
Table 1: Kaka Road Rainfall Events
Committee of the intention to accelerate the removal of treated farm
dairy effluent discharges from waterways, in most cases. On the upper ring plain
land discharge may not be possible at all times and some discharge of highly
treated waste water may be required. A study on the options for dairy shed and
waste treatment systems in this high rainfall area is being investigated. The
requirement to discharge to land, in most cases, addresses cultural and water
quality concerns.
Daily abstraction volumes under consent 7470-1.2 (July 2009-June 2017) 10
Figure 5 Maximum daily abstraction rate under consent 7470-1.1 (July 2009-June 2017) 10
Figure 6 Observed groundwater levels GND2102 and rainfall (July 2016-June 2017) 11
Figure 7 Observed groundwater levels GND2102 and abstraction (July 2016-June 2017) 11
Figure 8 Observed groundwater levels GND2103 and rainfall (July 2016-June 2017) 12
Figure 9 Observed groundwater levels GND2103 and abstraction
2019-2020 monitoring year, with most
commencing irrigation in late October and concluding in March. Rainfall recorded at the Council’s
monitoring locations over the summer irrigation period ranged between 85% and 114% of historical mean
values. Total usage during the 2019-2020 irrigation season, across all exercised irrigation consents was 8,835
ML. This was more than that used during the preceding 2018-2019 monitoring year, when 56 irrigation
consents were exercised, and a total usage of 6,906 ML. …
Table 2: Estimated land use 2015 (ha) Source: TRC.
Land use
Dairy 86,000 62,000 25,000 172,000
Dairy support 7,000 7,000 2,000 16,000
Sheep and beef 19,000 19,000 4,000 41,000
Other 19,000 21,000 70,000 111,000
Total 131,000 110,000 100,000 341,000
While there has been a decrease in sheep and beef sectors, it is unclear why this has
Activity 4...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Maths ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Taranaki Regional Council monthly rainfall and river report ................................................................................ 17
.................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3 CLIMATE .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Table 2: Kaka Road Rainfall Events 2011-17 ............................................................................................. 10
Table 3: High Intensity rainfall data (NIWA) for site ................................................................................ 10