Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

Annual report 2014-2015

ponds 2014-2015 (between hours of 1100 – 1400). Data from pond outlet. 13 Figure 3 Faecal coliform numbers in the HWWTP effluent(s), 1992 to 2015 15 Figure 4 Daily discharge volumes (m3/day) from the Hawera oxidation ponds system and daily rainfall data (mm) from a Council rainfall station approximately 5 km east of the Hawera oxidation ponds, 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 17 page iv Figure 5 Location of marine ecological monitoring sites 18 Figure 6 Mean

Summer 2015-2016

Freshwater recreational bathing monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Freshwater & coast recreation survey 2007-2008

beach, river and lake sites Dec 2007- Dec 2008 16 Table 7 Respondents’ perception of access to rivers, lakes and the coast. 18 Table 8 Respondents’ water quality ratings. 19 Table 9 General summary for selected observation locations 23 Table 10 Average no. of participants in specific activities at specific locations 25 List of figures Figure 1 Rainfall over 2007/2008 summer period 5 Figure 2 Proportional representation of the top ten most frequently visited locations by District 13

Hāwera oxidation ponds consent monitoring 2017-2018

for refurbishment. The non-compliant discharge volumes were attributed to recurrent periods of high rainfall which first occurred in the 2016-2017 monitoring period. Due to this, all enforcement actions were outlined in the previous monitoring report. In summary, following two 14 day letters and a number of stakeholder meetings, STDC were required to provide a report on inflow and infiltration and undertake additional shellfish monitoring. Further investigations found that the discharges

Form 112: Discharge stormwater and sediment from earthworks to water or land

discharge from the work area to the environment; and, ix) Any other relevant site information. d) Construction timetable for the erosion and sediment control works and the bulk earthworks proposed; e) Maintenance, monitoring and reporting procedures; f) Rainfall response and contingency measures including procedures to minimise adverse effects in the event of extreme rainfall events and/or the failure of any key erosion and sediment control structures; g) Procedures and timing

Form 102: Changes to dairy discharge consent

note that Council expects that all consents issued will require an exclusive discharge to land and full storage after 1 December 2022. This means that any consented discharge expiring in 2022 or later must discharge to land. Dual discharges may be allowed if the farm is in a high rainfall area and provision of adequate storage is impractical. This option needs to be discussed with Council Staff. page 06/22 - # 2280877 Page 5 of 14 4.10. Has the discharge point

Osflo Fertiliser Ltd Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2021-2022

indicated that the Company were in compliance with consent defined conditions on the two occasions they were collected. It is noted that the stormwater facility discharge to surface water, only occurs during significant rainfall events. The facility is allowed noticeable, but not objectionable or offensive odour beyond the boundary of the site. In the past, noticeable odours have been noted during the loading and unloading exercises, when material is agitated, or fresh from the supplier.

Summer 2014-2015

Freshwater recreational bathing monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Summer 2013-2014

three day period following significant river/stream fresh conditions. [NB: regional differences in rainfall patterns have caused difficulties at various sites in the past as localised rainfall may impact on bacteriological quality on isolated occasions]. Where necessary, a 2 metre sampling pole was used for bacteriological sample collection immediately beneath the water surface and at a minimum of calf depth at the sites. Thirteen samples were collected from all but the Lake Ratapiko site (10

SOE2022 Productive Land

page Productive Land Land is one of our most valuable assets, providing recreational opportunities and giving us a sense of place and connection to our local environment. Farming and forestry provide dairy, meat, wool and timber products that contribute significantly to the regional economy and support communities. The natural variations of climate, topography and soil shape how land is used and managed across the region. Regular rainfall and deep, fertile