Operations and Regulatory Committee Agenda March 2024
Operations and Regulatory Agenda 19 March 2024
Operations and Regulatory Agenda 19 March 2024
Ordinary Council Agenda May 2024
moderate elevations 28 Figure 14 Groundwater elevations GND2691, GND2692 and 2693-located south east of the site at higher altitudes 29 Figure 15 Groundwater elevations GND2700, GND2701 and GND2703-located centrally at the site at moderate altitude 30 Figure 16 Groundwater elevations in the deep bore GND0599 in comparison to rainfall 31 Figure 17 Groundwater elevations in the shallow bores GND2702 and GND0600 in comparison to rainfall 32 Figure 18 Groundwater elevations in
Biomonitoring surveys A biological survey was performed on two occasions on 16 February 2017 and 26 April 2017, in the Kurapete Stream, to document recovery of the biological stream communities following the removal of a continuous discharge to the Stream. page 7 2. Results 2.1. Inspections 21 September 2016 An inspection was conducted in wet weather with a southerly wind. The monthly rainfall was 316 mm rain, as recorded at the Inglewood WWTP TRC weather station.
consent holders, site inspections, and data gathering, review and assessment for compliance. It was a busy season for the Council’s hydrological unit, as the weather conditions meant the demand for irrigation was high. All irrigation had commenced by the middle of December. Over the five month (summer irrigation) period, Mount Taranaki recorded between 71% and 77% of normal rainfall for which meant that rivers were running well below normal for the entire period. The low stream flows
few issues lately with people dumping cars. Good progress is happening on the Monmouth Road culvert replacement, all going well it will be completed by the end of February. A few slips occurred following the 28 December rainfall event. Currently working on a design for a few retaining walls. Have had a meeting with Ayden and Junine around Stratford high school on Swansea road. Have purchased four warning signs for Beaconsfield Road and Manaia Road. Concerns have
Environmental Plan scope covers all the farm accept the vermiculture and composting pads, the wetlands and the treatment ponds. The range of geology and topography in the catchment requires specific management practices and these are shown in the operating plans listed below. 5.0 Climate The climate in the Uruti Valley is generally mild and temperate. Rainfall is high, even in the driest months of the year, compared to other parts of the region (See Table). Rainfall is measured and recorded
REFERENCES, APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D ,9 10 MONITORING WELLS- REMEDIATION NEW ZEALAND- URUTI.......... 11 MONITORING BORE INSTALLATION .................................................... 13 SOIL MOISTURE AND RAINFALL RECHARGE ON CHLORIDE CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER ............................................. 15 PRELIMINARY UNCONFIRMED CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL ............... 1 b'i\f company Commercial in confidence page TABLES Table 2. 1 :Haehanga
Policy and Planning Committee Agenda June 2024
Remediation Hearing Ngāti Mutunga Legal Submission & Haehanga Report