Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

Summer 2014-2015

rainfall or freshwater. The guideline MfE ‘Action’ mode is reached when enterococci counts in two consecutive samples exceed 280 enterococci cfu/100 ml. No site reached Action mode during the 2014- 2015 season and no individual sample exceeded 280 enterococci cfu/100 ml. Mann-Kendall tests were performed in order to assess long term trends in microbiological water quality. Two sites show a significant decrease in median enterococci counts over the 13- 20 years monitored (Fitzroy and

Port Taranaki Industries Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020-2021

to the inspection, totaling 8.2 mm between midnight and 0900, based on the Council’s rainfall data from Brookland’s Zoo. There had been intermittent rainfall in the seven days leading up to the survey. With respect to the consent limits, there were two non-compliant results. Total suspended solids (TSS) was 190 g/m3 in the sample collected from STW001135, which discharges stormwater from the CT log yard/debarking area, container wash and railway. TSS was 830 g/m3 Site code Sample type

Remediation NZ Ltd consent monitoring 2017-2018

leachate and contaminated stormwater from three main processing areas. These are the drilling wastes pad (pad 3) and two composting pads (known as ‘pad 1’ and ‘pad 2’). Drilling muds, fluids and cuttings are mixed with sawdust or other organic material and then piled up on the drilling wastes pad. Any rainfall runoff and leachate that is generated, drains into a series of ponds for treatment. Between each pond is a baffle that skims off any floating hydrocarbons as the leachate passes through.

Fonterra Kapuni consent monitoring 2020-2021

previous two years for comparison 41 Figure 32 Estimated monthly mass of nitrogen irrigated 42 Figure 33 Monthly rainfall totals and median soil moistures 42 page vii Figure 34 Estimated monthly mass of phosphorus irrigated 42 Figure 35 Paddock numbering, Farm 1 46 Figure 36 Paddock numbering, Farms 2 and 3 47 Figure 37 Total nitrogen concentration of soil samples taken from the Company’s irrigation areas, June 2021 49 Figure 38 Olsen phosphorus of soil

Coastal Plan Schedule 6B Taranaki page 194 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 6 – H i s t o r i c he r i t age has become a challenge, many are still caught in the months of June, July and August by Taranaki Iwi families. Relatively high rainfall up on the mountain quickly drains through these river systems, contributing to high water flows and the swift clearance of excessive

Wai iti Beach Retreat Annual Report 2022-2023

Whilst the average daily discharge limit was exceeded on two consecutive days under high rainfall conditions, the Company identified and eliminated stormwater discharges to the system in a timely fashion. Additional operational changes were made to minimise daily discharge volumes. The wastewater treatment system at the Retreat did not adversely affect the water quality of the local freshwater and coastal environments. The results of this sampling suggested that the Retreat was not influencing

Corteva Agriscience New Zealand Ltd Monitoring Annual Report 2020 2021

inspection and 27 mm of rainfall had been recorded over the previous week at the Brooklands Zoo weather station. Pond SV8000 contained 900 m3 of stormwater, while SV9000 was full at 275 m3 and had overtopped into SV9100. The ponds had a clear appearance with some wind-blown pollen with no sheen or odours noted. The incinerator was still offline, but was expected to be recommissioned in October. Site housekeeping was excellent. All roadways and stormwater catchments were clean. 5 November 2020 …