Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

NPDC Closed and Contingency Landfills (Inglewood, Okato and Marfell Park) Annual Report 2021-2022

leachate generation from additional stormwater infiltration. Figure 3 shows ammoniacal nitrogen results since 2005. Some of the higher results (e.g. 2015), can be attributed to heavy rainfall preceding sampling. Table 3 Chemical analysis of samples taken from the Inglewood landfill leachate/stormwater pond (site RTP002005) Parameter Unit 9 November 2021 16 March 2022 Historical results Minimum Maximum Number of samples Ammoniacal nitrogen g/m³ N 7.4 6.5 0.01

Waihapa PS consent monitoring 2020-2021

processed, compressed and piped to end users. The produced water is disposed of by deep well injection. Stormwater from the production station is collected and discharged at three separate points. The water level in the firewater pond in the north western corner of the site is maintained by an abstraction from the Ngaere Stream. Overflow due to rainfall entering this pond is discharged to land and to the Ngaere Stream to the north of the pond. Stormwater from the process areas is directed to a

ANZCO Eltham consent monitoring report 2019-2020

located upstream of the discharge (WGG000500 and WGG000510), one site at the discharge location (IND00400) and two sites located downstream (WGG000540 and WGG000620) of the discharge. Black disc measurements were also taken upstream and downstream of the discharge in compliance with the requirements of consent 2039-4.1. Stormwater sampling was undertaken by the Council, during the two sampling rounds. Sampling was not undertaken during or immediately following any heavy rainfall periods when …

Stratford wastewater treatment monitoring 2019-2020

of a good standard. Monitoring of the microfloral component of the tertiary cell of the secondary pond (using chlorophyll-a measurements) indicated that the system had a low algal content, particularly following heavy rainfall events. Microfloral populations have not indicated poor performance of the treatment system to date and generally indicate an improvement in conditions in the tertiary cell since the last WWTP upgrade. During the consent renewal process, SDC investigated a number of …

Annual report 2015-2016

pasture. Average annual rainfall for the site is 1,043 mm (taken from the nearby ‘Patea’ monitoring station). As with the other South Taranaki coastal sites, the Geary site is subject to strong winds. page 10 Site data Location Word descriptor: Geary Road, Manutahi, Taranaki Map reference: E 1718754 (NZTM) N 5606372 Mean annual rainfall: 1,043 mm Mean annual soil temperature: ~15.1°C Mean annual soil moisture: ~32.9% Elevation:

Annual report 2015-2016

Methanex consent compliance monitoring report 2015-16 - Taranaki Regional Council.

Stratford water supplies consent monitoring 2019-2020

giving a free available chlorine of <0.01 g/m3. The weir inlet screens were cleaned during the inspection and the inlet chamber was emptied. The screens were being cleaned frequently and this was due to increase further with an anticipated increase in rainfall over winter and spring. A significant amount of work has been proposed to upgrade the water pipe that carries water from the river to the plant. This work is in the planning process and will include a more accurate flow meter at the river. …

Osflo Fertiliser Ltd monitoriong report 2019-2020

compliance issues, as well as complaints from the public, the Council maintains a database record. The record includes events where the individual/organisation concerned has itself notified the Council. Details of any investigation and corrective action taken are recorded for non-compliant events. 2 This source only discharges under significant rainfall page 13 Complaints may be alleged to be associated with a …