pasture. Average annual rainfall for the site is 1,043 mm (taken
from the nearby ‘Patea’ monitoring station). As with the other South Taranaki coastal
sites, the Geary site is subject to strong winds.
Site data
Word descriptor: Geary Road, Manutahi, Taranaki
Map reference: E 1718754
(NZTM) N 5606372
Mean annual rainfall: 1,043 mm
Mean annual soil temperature: ~15.1°C
Mean annual soil moisture: ~32.9%
under review, upstream
minus downstream of the plant Discharges to the Kahouri Stream
The Company recorded 24 occasions where stormwater was discharged to the Kahouri Stream during the
2021-2022 monitoring period. This occurred during high rainfall events. Stormwater monitoring is
undertaken by the Company.
2.2 Results of receiving environment monitoring
2.2.1 Inter-lab Comparisons
The results of the Council monitoring of the effluent from the TCC and SPP in the
of a good standard. Monitoring of the microfloral component of the tertiary cell of the
secondary pond (using chlorophyll-a measurements) indicated that the system had a low algal content,
particularly following heavy rainfall events. Microfloral populations have not indicated poor performance of
the treatment system to date and generally indicate an improvement in conditions in the tertiary cell since
the last WWTP upgrade.
During the consent renewal process, SDC investigated a number of …
located upstream of the discharge (WGG000500 and WGG000510), one site at the discharge
location (IND00400) and two sites located downstream (WGG000540 and WGG000620) of the discharge.
Black disc measurements were also taken upstream and downstream of the discharge in compliance with
the requirements of consent 2039-4.1.
Stormwater sampling was undertaken by the Council, during the two sampling rounds. Sampling was not
undertaken during or immediately following any heavy rainfall periods when …
completed for the Coronation Ave Walking and Cycling project.
4.2 Stratford District Council
Maintenance, Operations and Renewals
For the 2017/18 year Stratford District Council spent 92% of its total
approved allocation for the one year period. The main areas of
attention were on sealed pavement maintenance, routine drainage
maintenance, environmental maintenance and minor events following
ex-Cyclone Gita and numerous heavy rainfall events throughout the
identified as black loamy sand, and vegetation growth is primarily a mixture of pasture and
dune grasses. Average annual rainfall for the site is 1,122 mm (taken from the nearby Glenn Road
monitoring station). Two significant surface water bodies run adjacent to the spreading areas. The Waimate
Stream flanks the north-western side of the main western site, whilst the Rawa Stream runs adjacent to the
north-western side of the smaller eastern site. The Waimate Stream in the immediate vicinity of the
Taranaki Galvanizers Ltd consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
indicator of the possible presence of faecal material
and pathological micro-organisms. Usually expressed as colony forming
units per 100 millilitre sample
fresh elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall
g/m3 grammes per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrammes per litre
(mg/L). In water, this is also equivalent to parts per million (ppm), but
the same does not apply to gaseous mixtures
incident an event that is alleged or is found to have occurred that may have
Waverley Sawmills consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.