Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

Annual report 2016-2017

STDC former landfills consent monitoring Annual report 2016-2017

Annual report 2015-2016

the Kapuni Stream was clear of contaminants. 30 May 2016 An inspection was undertaken following a prolonged period of quite heavy rainfall and squally weather. The storm water system and associated wetland showed no effect from runoff from the plant area. The perimeter drains and API separator were clear of contaminants. No odours or unusual flaring was noted. 23 June 2016 The annual inspection of the stormwater discharge to the Kapuni stream was undertaken with Origin staff,

Report 2014-2016

Periphyton (algae) state of the environment monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council

Annual report 2014-2015

during cool weather with a south east breeze. Recent heavy rainfall had not caused any adverse effects on the Kapuni Stream. There was no discharge occurring at the time. All ring drains and bunds were clear of contaminants. Some wind blown litter was noted but it was not likely to have had any detrimental effects on the stormwater system. There were no apparent odours or smoke associated with flaring. The site was neat and tidy. Everything was satisfactory. 28 October 2014 The plant was

Annual report 2014-2015

The coastal marine area in the vicinity of the pipelines to the offshore platform was not affected by the installation of the pipelines and the whole area was typical of north Taranaki coastline. The wind was from the north west and an odour survey carried out downwind of the plant did not give rise to any concerns. Everything was satisfactory. 14 April 2015 A site inspection was undertaken with a STOS environmental officer following very heavy rainfall over the previous days. Samples of

Annual report 2013-2014

Trustpower Mangorei hydro scheme consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Annual report 2012-2013

NPDC Colson Rd landfill consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Officer Report Opunake Power Limited 15 March 2022

fish) and kōura (freshwater crayfish) were a staple harvest with large numbers of kahawai and pātiki (flounder) also caught on the river mouths along the Taranaki Iwi coastline. Although access to many of the age old fishing spots for piharau has become a challenge, many are still caught in the months of June, July and August by Taranaki Iwi families. Relatively high rainfall up on the mountain quickly drains through these river systems, contributing to high water flows and the swift clearance