working closely with the forestry industry to define what the new rules will look like in Taranaki, and we'll keep you updated about what they will mean for you if you have a forestry block on your farm. Follow the links for an information sheet for Taranaki foresters and contractors, and for more information on the Forestry NZ (MPI) website. NES-PF information for Taranaki foresters & contractors NES-PF information on Forestry NZ website NotificationTo notify the Taranaki Regional Council of
working closely with the forestry industry to define what the new rules will look like in Taranaki, and we'll keep you updated about what they will mean for you if you have a forestry block on your farm. Follow the links for an information sheet for Taranaki foresters and contractors, and for more information on the Forestry NZ (MPI) website. NES-PF information for Taranaki foresters & contractors NES-PF information on Forestry NZ website NotificationTo notify the Taranaki Regional Council of
NZ Transport Agency (part meeting)
Mr P Ledingham Taranaki Regional Council
Inspector A Gurney NZ Police (part meeting)
Sgt A Wong-Too NZ Police (part meeting)
One member of the media, Mr M Davey, Taranaki Daily News and
submitters being heard.
Apologies There were no apologies received.
Notification of Ahititi Stock Effluent Disposal facility.
Late Items
1. Hearing of submissions on the Regional Land Transport Plan 2021/22-2026/27
guidelines of contaminants during cold
and wet weather, and indeed even during flood flows in summer. The overland flow of
rainwater across agricultural land and urban landscapes may easily pick up high levels of
the bacteria that are then deposited into our nearest waterways.
The NPS-FM directs all regional councils (including unitary authorities) to set regional
targets to improve the quality of fresh water so rivers and lakes are suitable for primary
contact more often.
Application to Taranaki Regional Council
for Four Discharge Consents and
Assessment of Environmental Effects
Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation at Four
Existing Wellsites within the Kapuni Field
January 2012
Application for Resource Consents to Discharge Contaminants to Land –– January 2012
Application for Resource Consents to Discharge
question blank. Questions may be answered in attached
documentation if it is more convenient or insufficient space is provided on the form. If that is done, state
specifically on the application form where the answer can be found (include page numbers if referring to a
separate report).
If you have any questions relating to completion of this application form, please contact the Consents
Department, Taranaki Regional Council on telephone (06)765-7127 or email
Got a special block of bush or wetland area on your land? It might fall into our Key Native Ecosystem (KNE) programme and qualify for a free Biodiversity Plan. Protecting native habitats relies on effective planning to ensure all aspects of management are considered. For example it's no good killing the predators if meanwhile old man's beard is smothering the canopy. To help owners protect KNEs on their land, the Council prepares free Biodiversity Plans for KNEs that fall either wholly or
Do you support the establishment of a
Maori constituency for Taranaki
Regional Council? (choose one)
Comments: 1. Having automatic representation is against everything New Zealand has
stood for. This is a thin wedge towards destruction of democracy. Equality
is paramount. What an insult to the current Regional Council Chairman to
suggest the type of change.
2. There is no precise definition to establish when a person is Maori. This
allows misrepresentation on the Maori Electoral
That the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) receives with thanks the petition against live exports from Port Taranaki.
Members of the public left 10.50am
2. Confirmation of Minutes – 22 September 2020
That the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Ordinary meeting of
the Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom,
47 Cloten Road, Stratford on …
Taranaki Regional Council
Ms M Webby South Taranaki District Council
Senior Sgt R O’Keefe NZ Police
Inspector A Gurney NZ Police
Sgt A Wong-Too NZ Police
Apologies Apologies were received from Ross I’Anson (Waka Kotahi, NZ
Transport Agency).
Notification of Update on the North Taranaki trip Ms E Speight, Waka Kotahi NZ
Late Items Transport Agency, took in a truck.
Ordinary Meeting - Joint Committee Minutes
1. Confirmation of Minutes – 2