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2022 Local Elections

This page contains the final results from the 2022 Council elections and the expenses declarations from that election. North Taranaki constituency (two seats) Mike Davey 4137 Donald McIntyre 3422 Tama Blackburn 2166 Informal: 125 | Blank: 418 New Plymouth constituency (five seats) Susan Hughes 10537 Charlotte Littlewood 10239 Tom Cloke 10012 Craig Williamson 8188 David Lean 8121 Elvisa Van Der Leden 6025 Allen Juffermans 5619 Rusty Kane 3403 Chris Wilkes 3194 Lyall Field 2848 Darrel Nicholas

Council meeting agenda April 2019

page Ordinary Meeting Tuesday 9 April 2019 10.30am held at the Port Taranaki Limited offices, 2-8 Bayly Road, New Plymouth page Agenda for the Ordinary Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council to be held in the Port Taranaki Limited Boardroom, 2-8 Bayly Road, New Plymouth, on Tuesday 9 April 2019 commencing at 10.30am. Councillors D N MacLeod (Chairman) M J Cloke M P Joyce D L Lean (Deputy Chairman) M J McDonald

Council meeting agenda August 2019

page Ordinary Meeting Tuesday 13 August 2019 10.30am held at the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford page Agenda for the Ordinary Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council to be held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 13 August 2019 commencing at 10.30am. Councillors D N MacLeod (Chairman) D L Lean (Deputy Chairman) M J Cloke M G Davey M P Joyce M J

Council meeting agenda August 2018

page Ordinary Meeting Tuesday 7 August 2018 10.30am Taranaki Regional Council, Stratford page Agenda for the Ordinary Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council to be held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 7 August 2018 commencing at 10.30am. Councillors D N MacLeod (Chairman) M J Cloke M G Davey M P Joyce D L Lean (Deputy Chairman) C L Littlewood M J McDonald D H McIntyre B

Kaimoana survey guidelines for hapu & iwi

Taranaki by a number of organisations in 2000-2001. The project team acknowledge those organisations and their representatives on that project: • Fletcher Challenge Energy (FCE), (Subsequently acquired by Shell Petroleum Mining Ltd) • Taranaki Regional Council • Ngäti Rahiri • Otaraua Hapü. Importantly, the project team would also like to acknowledge the support of: • Wellington Tenths Trust in undertaking a survey to trial a draft of the guidelines • Te Oranga Whareaitu for

Spraying & applying fertiliser

and date of application, and the location and nature of any sensitive areas. Your records should also include weather conditions at the time of application, including wind speed and direction and any abnormal situation or incident. You will need to supply these details to the Council on request. You must meet all of these requirements. Otherwise, you will need a resource consent. Full details of the requirements can be found in the Regional Air Quality Plan and Regional Freshwater Plan. Applying

Spraying & applying fertiliser

and date of application, and the location and nature of any sensitive areas. Your records should also include weather conditions at the time of application, including wind speed and direction and any abnormal situation or incident. You will need to supply these details to the Council on request. You must meet all of these requirements. Otherwise, you will need a resource consent. Full details of the requirements can be found in the Regional Air Quality Plan and Regional Freshwater Plan. Applying

Solid Waste Management Committee Agenda 12 August 2021

page Thursday 12 August 2021, 10.30am Taranaki Solid Waste Management Committee - Front Cover 1 page Taranaki Solid Waste Management Committee 12 August 2021 10:30 AM Agenda Topic Page Apologies Notification of Late Items 1. Confirmation of Minutes 4 2. Regional Waste Minimisation Officer's Activity Report 9 3. South Taranaki District Council Mid-term WMMP Review 21 4. Regional Annual Education Plan 2021/2022 71 5. Construction Waste Reduction

Solid Waste Management agenda February 2021

Membership of Taranaki Solid Waste Management Committee Neil Walker Taranaki Regional Council Alan Jamieson Stratford District Council Bryan Roach South Taranaki District Council Richard Handley New Plymouth District Council Health and Safety Message Emergency Procedure In the event of an emergency, please exit through the emergency door in the committee room by the kitchen. If you require assistance to exit please see a staff member. Once you reach the bottom

Council meeting minutes June 2018

page Doc# 2075645-v1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council, held Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 26 June 2018 at 10.30am. Present Councillors D N MacLeod (Chairperson) M J Cloke M G Davey M P Joyce D L Lean (Deputy Chairperson) C L Littlewood M J McDonald D H McIntyre B K Raine N W Walker C S Williamson Attending Messrs