District Council and Canterbury Regional Council assessing a
number of complex air discharge consent applications, a number of
which went to hearing where I attended as an air quality expert on
behalf of Council.
2.4 I have conducted air quality monitoring and/or assessments of effects at a
number of chicken farms including:
(a) the replacement consent of the DB Chicks broiler farm on behalf of
the applicants;
(b) the proposed Zealand Farms Levin
The Waitara River is set to gain extra benefits from a national pilot study focused on the best ways to assess any microbiological health risks to freshwater swimmers. The ESR-led study will include detailed analyses of up to 80 samples from the river at Bertrand Rd, one of only 16 sites to be sampled nationally over the coming few months. The river’s inclusion is hailed as great news for its mana whenua and the Taranaki Regional Council, who have begun working together to make the best use of
Taranaki Coastal Plan
27 April 2018
TO: Taranaki Regional Council
Submitted online at:
FROM: Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated
Attn: Tom Kay
PO Box 631
022 183 2729
Forest and
Items of interest from this week's meeting of two key Council committees, Consents & Regulatory, and Policy & Planning: The Consents & Regulatory Committee and Policy & Planning Committee generally meet every six weeks, on the same day. They are made up of Regional Councillors and external members. Meetings calendar Committee memberships Good progress on improvementsThe Council’s monitoring shows a clear pattern of improving trends in the region’s freshwater quality, albeit with variations from
A warm lodge setting with unique stone fireplace. Suitable for small conferences and receptions. Includes use of the adjoining atrium space and kitchen access.
Maintaining indigenous
freshwater biodiversity in the
Taranaki region
Review of the regional fresh water and soil plans for Taranaki
Taranaki Regional Council
Private Bag 713
Stratford 4352
March 2013
Document: 1092542
Executive summary
This working paper entitled Maintaining Indigenous Freshwater Biodiversity in the Taranaki Region
biogas from its covered effluent pond to generate electricity for the site, and takes food waste from local industry to process into stockfeed. Now it has installed new cables and pumping equipment so it can dispose of nearly half of its treated effluent to land, and new infrastructure to allow better sampling of the pond. Its approach to environmental management was rewarded in 2010 with a Taranaki Regional Council Environmental Award. Monitoring reflects poorer summerMonitoring of popular
programmes, the Policy and Planning Committee was told. The stocktake, detailed in a report commissioned by Te Wai Māori Trust, also confirms some findings made by the Council, and notes that this region offers valuable fisheries data due to the Council’s existing monitoring programmes. The report will be used as the Council develops new monitoring programmes in collaboration with Māori, and will also feed into the review of the Regional Freshwater and Land Plan. New pest blueprint gets all-clearTaranaki
TAG Oil (NZ) Ltd
Vanner Landfarm
Monitoring Programme
Annual Report
Technical Report 2016-90
Taranaki Regional Council
ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713
Document: 1685048 (Word) STRATFORD
Document: 1741627 (Pdf)
November 2016
Executive summary
BTW Company Ltd (BTW) managed a drilling waste landfarm on behalf of consent holder
Published by Taranaki Regional Council 2022
Thank you to the following people who helped with production of this booklet; Quin Amoore,
Mike Beech, Bill Clarkson, Bruce Clarkson, Craig Davey, Steve Ellis, Sam Haultain, Leigh Honnor,
Janet Hunt, Catherine Law, Lucy Roberts, Brenda Waterman.
Thanks also to New Zealand Plant Conservation Network, Weedbusters, Auckland Botanic Gardens,
Taranaki Regional Council, Auckland Regional Council.