To take and use water for pasture irrigation you need to apply for resource consent. Applying to take water for pasture irrigation?An application to take and use fresh water for pasture irrigation is assessed against the rules of the Regional Fresh Water Plan for Taranaki. Which rules are applied will depend on the catchment you intend to use and whether you intend to source your take from surface water (a river, stream, spring or lake) or from a groundwater source. Assessment of environmental
To take and use water for pasture irrigation you need to apply for resource consent. Applying to take water for pasture irrigation?An application to take and use fresh water for pasture irrigation is assessed against the rules of the Regional Fresh Water Plan for Taranaki. Which rules are applied will depend on the catchment you intend to use and whether you intend to source your take from surface water (a river, stream, spring or lake) or from a groundwater source. Assessment of environmental
Climate change projections and
impacts for Taranaki
Prepared for Taranaki Regional Council
April 2022
© All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced or copied in any form without the permission of
the copyright owner(s). Such permission is only to be given in accordance with the terms of the client’s contract
with NIWA. This copyright extends to all forms of copying and any storage of material in any
Ngāti Ruanui (including Pakakohi and Tangahoe) is an iwi of Taranaki. Ngāti Ruanui takes its name from the tupuna Ruanui o Pookiwa and Ruanui o Taaneroroa, the latter being the grandson of Turi Ariki, leader of the Aotea waka. Ngāti Ruanui are located in southern Taranaki. *Wording taken from the Deed of Settlement between the Crown and Ngati Ruanui summary. Contact Ngāti Ruanui Authorised voiceTe Runanga o Ngāti Ruanui Trust Website: link) Location
74 Princes Street,
Predator-Free Taranaki, began trapping at home and wanted to get others involved. “We went and had a talk to the partners and practice manager and said ‘hey is it okay if we send an email around and organise to get some traps in for people to give it a go at home?’ At the same time we got traps for the office,” Lisa says. After a morning tea training session a trap was set near the office car park, which borders a small piece of native bush. “The next morning we had a rat. We were so excited,” Rachel
Annual Plans set out the Council's yearly programmes and budgets, as foreshadowed in the Long-Term Plan immediately preceding them. Annual Plan 2023/2024 Download the full Plan, or see the rating information or the schedules of charges. Annual Plan 2023/2024 (5.2 MB pdf) Annual Plan 2023/2024 (5.2 MB pdf) Schedule of charges Annual Plan 2023 2024 (519 KB PDF) Annual Plan 2022/2023 Download the full Plan, or see the rating information or the schedules of charges. Annual Plan 2022/2023 (3.7 MB
Brooklands Zoo in New Plymouth recorded the highest air temperature last month - 21.2°C - while rainfall across Taranaki was just 3% more than typical for September. On average rainfall was 158.5mm ranging from 15% less rainfall at Kotare at OSullivans, and 30% more rainfall at Motunui M39 at Weston W3 than a typical September. Year to date rainfall ranges from 11% less rainfall at Uruti at Kaka Rd, and 14% more rainfall at Tawhiti at Duffys, with an average of 1% more than normal. Mean river
#e2369 .tpft-fb-text{color:#f9f9f9;font-size:14px;}
} Restore Taranaki Groups on Facebook Follow Towards Predator-Free Taranaki on Facebook - link) What is Trap.NZ? If you’re trapping at home, register with the online database Trap.NZ, via its website or app. Then record all your catches and also your trap checks (even when nothing has been caught). This makes Trap.NZ a source of valuable data tracking the region’s efforts and identifying gaps.
Ngāti Mutunga is one of eight generally recognised iwi of Taranaki. Mutunga is acknowledged by Ngāti Mutunga as the paramount and principal identifying ancestor from which ngā uri o ngā tūpuna o Ngāti Mutunga can trace descent. Ngāti Mutunga is located in northern Taranaki. *Wording taken from the Deed of Settlement between the Crown and Ngāti Mutunga summary. Contact Ngāti Mutunga Authorised voiceTe Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga Website: link) Location
6 Ngakoti Street,
the Council undertakes compliance monitoring for consents and rules in regional plans, and
maintains an overview of the performance of resource users and consent holders. Compliance monitoring,
including both activity and impact monitoring, enables the Council to continually re-evaluate its approach
and that of consent holders to resource management and, ultimately, through the refinement of methods
and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable …