When putting out your trap – think like a rat! That's the trapping advice from Josh La Franchie, one of New Plymouth district's most committed and youngest urban trappers. About 1100 traps have been set in the district's urban backyards by residents, who like josh, want to protect native wildlife and plants and have joined Towards Predator-Free Taranaki. "They like to hang around under trees and we seem to catch more down by the river, says Josh (7), from Oakura as he checks a rat trap nestled
from the Pātea transfer station only. This report for
the period July 2023 to June 2024 describes the monitoring programme implemented by Taranaki Regional
Council (the Council) to assess STDC’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the
period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring undertaken and assesses the
environmental effects of STDC’s activities.
During the monitoring period, STDC Pātea Beach green waste discharge demonstrated a high
In Taranaki you may dump certain wastes on your farm as long as it doesn’t impact the environment, neighbours or become a health hazard. The rules are there to protect our environment and prevent toxic materials from contaminating water or soil. Here are the dos and don'ts of on-farm dumping Do
Only use on-farm dumps for waste directly generated on the property, preferably inert materials
Reduce, reuse or recycle to cut down on what goes into the dump.
Position the dump on clay soils and 25m
In Taranaki you may dump certain wastes on your farm as long as it doesn’t impact the environment, neighbours or become a health hazard. The rules are there to protect our environment and prevent toxic materials from contaminating water or soil. Here are the dos and don'ts of on-farm dumping Do
Only use on-farm dumps for waste directly generated on the property, preferably inert materials
Reduce, reuse or recycle to cut down on what goes into the dump.
Position the dump on clay soils and 25m
Some of South Taranaki’s Southlink bus services will change next month but coverage will remain the same. A new return service on Thursdays will link Opunake, Kaponga and Manaia with Hāwera. This will replace current services linking Manaia with Hāwera (Tuesdays) and Opunake with Hāwera (Fridays). “The key point for these townships is that from early December onwards, their weekly bus service to Hāwera will run on Thursdays instead of Tuesdays or Fridays,” says Chris Clarke, Transport Services
Taranaki Regional Council
Private Bag 713
ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online)
Document: 3282123 (Word)
Document: 3303935 (Pdf)
October 2024
Executive summary
Greymouth Petroleum Turangi Ltd (the Company) operates the Turangi-B hydrocarbon exploration site
(wellsite) located on Turangi Road, Tikorangi located in the Parahaki catchment. This report outlines and
discusses the results of the monitoring programme implemented by the Council
Taranaki Regional Council Monthly Rainfall and Environmental
Data Report for September 2024
Note: The data presented here are provisional data only and may change as a result of quality control at a later date.
1. Rainfall
Map 1: September total rainfall (mm) and percentage of long-term mean (colour key).
Map 1a. Total rainfall 1 January to end September (mm) and percentage of long-term mean (colour key).
Table 1:
The maximum contribution per trip is $30.
Note: Taranaki Regional Council will pay 75% of the fare up to a maximum of $40.
Any additional fare must be paid in full by the user.
0800 TOT MOB (868 662) Taranaki Regional Council
47 Cloten Road
Private Bag 713
Stratford 4352
Taranaki Executive Taxis
New Plymouth Taxis 06 757 3000 Not available for bookings November 2024
annotation annotationTitle S A Preston
annotationSubject Highlight
This form allows you to make a formal complaint regarding Citylink bus services provided by Tranzit Coachlines under contract to the Taranaki Regional Council. You need to provide your name, contact details and full details of the incident or action being complained of. $UserDefinedForm
is worth a look!
Please mark these
dates in your calendar.
Some dates and details
have been changed so
check carefully*
S U N D AY, S E P T E M B E R 2 2
Garden Visits
A selection of Taranaki gardens open for members
to visit. See previous page for details
F R I D AY, O C T O B E R 1 8 , 5 P M
Board meeting
Pukeiti Library
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accessed at the following site