.container.profile-container{padding-top:1.5rem;}#e3485{display:none;}#e3484 .block .content {margin-left:0;}#e3484 .block{margin-bottom:1.5rem;} Welcome to your MyTRC Profile pageIf any of the details shown are incorrect please email mytrc@trc.govt.nz with the correct details.
Risk reduction, readiness, response and recovery are key Council duties relating to hazards.
Recount was the Council's quarterly newsletter until September 2017. It has been replaced by Talking Taranaki.
These core documents set out the Council's strategic direction and its policies and rules under the Resource Management Act, Biosecurity Act and Local Government Act, and its policies under other legislation.
Policy and Planning Committee
Tuesday 24 April 2018
Taranaki Regional Council, Stratford
Agenda for the meeting of the Policy and Planning Committee to be held in the
Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 24
April 2018 commencing at 10.30am.
Members Councillor N W Walker (Committee Chairperson)
Councillor M P Joyce
Councillor C L Littlewood
Councillor D H McIntyre
3 and 5)
W5716 Resolution by the Inglewood County Council that the provisions of Section 125 of the Public Works Act 1928 shall
not apply to the above-described land - 21.8.1944 at 11.38 am
451894.2 Mortgage to ASB Bank Limited - 19.6.1998 at 12.00 pm
7403108.1 Variation of Mortgage 451894.2 - 6.6.2007 at 9:00 am
7962713.1 Variation of Mortgage 451894.2 - 20.10.2008 at 9:40 am
Identifier TN152/93
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“We’re looking to the future with this
Plan and how we can address the many
challenges our amazing region is facing,”
says Council Chair Charlotte Littlewood.
“There’s funding for our key environmental
work programmes to ensure we build on
the Council’s freshwater and biodiversity
mahi and we’ve responded to our
community’s feedback on responding
to the threat from climate change.”
The 10-year plan for the region includes
an overall rates increase of 16.3% for
This Plan sets out the region's hazards and risks and arrangements for managing preparedness and response. Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan for Taranaki 2018-2023 Taranaki CDEM Group Plan 2018-2023 (6.9 MB pdf) (single document only) Taranaki CDEM Group Plan 2018-2023 (6.9 MB pdf) Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan for Taranaki 2012-2017 Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan for Taranaki 2012-2017 (1.2 MB pdf) (single document only) Civil Defence Emergency
Taranaki Regional Council Monthly Rainfall and Environmental
Data Report for June 2024
Note: The data presented here are provisional data only and may change as a result of quality control at a later date.
1. Rainfall
Map 1: June total rainfall (mm) and percentage of long-term mean (colour key).
Map 1a. Total rainfall 1 January to end June (mm) and percentage of long-term mean (colour key).
Table 1: Rainfall June and
catchment. Two rendering plants operate on the site: an inedibles plant owned by TBP, and a
food grade plant owned by Taranaki Bio-Extracts Ltd (TBE). A trucking firm, Jackson Transport Ltd (JTL)
operates from the site also.
This report for the period July 2016 to June 2017 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the
Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess TBP’s environmental performance during the period under
review. The report also details the results of the monitoring