Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council'' returned 4845 results.

Pātea hydro scheme monitoring 2019-2020

the RMA, the Council undertakes compliance monitoring for consents and rules in regional plans, and maintains an overview of the performance of resource users and consent holders. Compliance monitoring, including both activity and impact monitoring, enables the Council to continually re-evaluate its approach and that of consent holders to resource management and, ultimately, through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving …

Todd deep well injection monitoring 2019-2020

subsidiaries (the Company) operate a number of wellsites across the Taranaki region, including the Tuhua, Pouri, Mangahewa and McKee wellsites, located east of New Plymouth and the Kapuni wellsites located south of Stratford. Each wellsite contains varying numbers of producing wells and associated production infrastructure. This report for the period July 2019 to June 2020 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) in relation to the Company’s deep …

Greymouth deep well injection monitoring 2019-2020

its subsidiaries (the Company) operate a number of wellsites across the Taranaki region, with major fields located in the Tikorangi and Kaimiro areas. Each wellsite contains varying numbers of producing wells and associated production infrastructure. This report for the period July 2019 to June 2020 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) in relation to the Company’s deep well injection (DWI) activities. The report details the results of

Malandra Downs consent monitoring 2019-2020

permits, and in implementing monitoring programmes, the Council is recognising the comprehensive meaning of ‘effects’ inasmuch as is appropriate for each activity. Monitoring programmes are not only based on existing permit conditions, but also on the page 2 obligations of the RMA to assess the effects of the exercise of consents. In accordance with Section 35 of the RMA, the Council undertakes compliance monitoring for consents and rules in regional plans, and maintains an …

Pohokura PS consent monitoring 2019-2020

(OMV), previously Shell Exploration NZ Ltd, operates a hydrocarbon production station and associated wellsites, located on Lower Otaraoa Road at Motunui in the Waipapa and Manu catchments. This report for the period July 2019 to June 2020 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring undertaken and …

Solid Waste Management minutes December 2020

Taranaki Regional Council Ms J Dearden New Plymouth District Council Mr M Oien Stratford District Council Mr H Denton South Taranaki District Council Ms R Martin South Taranaki District Council Apologies Apologies were received from Victoria Araba (SDC), Louise Campbell (SDC), David Langford (NPDC) and Kimberley Hope (NPDC). Jamieson/Roach Notification of There were no late items. Late Items 1. Confirmation of Minutes – 20 August 2020 Resolved That the …

Remediation Hearing Bendall & Baker Legal Submission

page . '" BEFORE THE COMMISSIONERS AT NEW PLYMOUTH IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 ("RMA") AND IN THE MATTER an application for discharge consents associated with a composting operation at Uruti BETWEEN Remediation New Zealand Limited Applicant AND Taranaki Regional Council Consent Authority LEGAL SUBMISSIONS ON BEHALF OF DAWN & GLEN BENDALL AND JENNIFER BAKER Dated: 25TH MARCH 2021 Ruby Haazen Barrister Magdalene

Sidewinder PS consent monitoring 2019-2020

also on the obligations of the RMA to assess the effects of the exercise of consents. In accordance with Section 35 of the RMA, the Council undertakes compliance monitoring for consents and rules in regional plans, and maintains an overview of the performance of resource users and consent holders. Compliance monitoring, including both activity and impact monitoring, enables the Council to continually re-evaluate its approach and that of consent holders to resource management and, ultimately, …

NP wastewater plant monitoring 2019-2020

Executive summary The New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) operates a wastewater treatment plant (NPWWTP) located on Rifle Range Road between New Plymouth and Bell Block. This report for the period July 2019 to June 2020 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess NPDC’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring undertaken and assesses the …

Lepper Piggery consent monitoring 2019-2020

pump shed showing the multi stage variable speed pump 19 Figure 13 Piping and hydrants locations of the bottom block 20 page 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1.1.1 Introduction This report is for the period July 2019 to June 2020 by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) on the monitoring programme associated with resource consents held by DH Lepper (the Trust). The Trust operates a …