the New Plymouth area. This report for the period July 2014-June 2015 describes the
monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to
assess NPDC’s environmental performance during the period under review, its results and
the environmental effects of the coastal structures.
NPDC holds a total of 48 coastal permits covering structures, which include conditions setting
out the requirements that NPDC must satisfy. NPDC holds 23 permits relating to coastal
various coastal permits around the New Plymouth
area. This report for the period July 2017 to June 2018 describes the monitoring programme implemented
by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess NPDC’s environmental and consent compliance
performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring
undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of NPDC’s coastal structures.
NPDC holds a total of 50 coastal permits covering structures, which
1.1.1 Introduction
This report is the Annual Report for the period July 2015 to June 2016 by the Taranaki
Regional Council (the Council) describing the monitoring programme associated with
resource consents held by Stratford District Council (SDC) for its water treatment
plants (WTP’s). SDC operates three public WTP’s servicing the Stratford, Midhirst and
Toko areas.
This report covers the results and findings of the monitoring programme implemented
by the Council in respect of the
yes, you will have the option to speak in support of your submission at any consent hearing.
If others make a similar submission, I/we will consider
presenting a joint case with them at the hearing.
Request for independent commisioner/s
Pursuant to section 100A of the Resource Management Act
1991, I request that the Taranaki Regional Council delegates
its functions, powers, and duties required to hear and decide
the application to one or more hearing commissioners who
are not
Doc# 1947669-v1
Minutes of the Policy and Planning
Committee Meeting of the Taranaki
Regional Council, held in the Taranaki
Regional Council Chambers, 47 Cloten
Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 17 October
2017 at 10.40am.
Members Councillors N W Walker (Committee Chairperson)
M P Joyce
C L Littlewood
D H McIntyre
B K Raine
D L Lean (ex officio)
Representative Ms E Bailey (Iwi Representative)
Members Councillor G Boyde (Stratford
The summary of the annual report was derived from the annual report of the
Taranaki Regional Council (the Regional Council) and its subsidiaries and
controlled entities (the Group) for the year ended 30 June 2017.
The summary of the annual report comprises the following summary
statements on pages 2 to 4:
- the summary statement of financial position as at 30 June
by the Taranaki
Regional Council (the Council) on the monitoring programme associated with resource
consents held by New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) for their various water
supply schemes and water treatment plants (WTPs).
This report covers the results and findings of the monitoring programme implemented
by the Council in respect of the consents held by NPDC that relate to abstractions and
discharges of water, and in-stream structures.
One of the intents of the Resource
the New Plymouth area. This report for the period July 2015 to June 2016 describes the
monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to
assess NPDC’s environmental performance during the period under review, its results and
the environmental effects of the coastal structures.
NPDC holds a total of 48 coastal permits covering structures, which include conditions setting
out the requirements that NPDC must satisfy. NPDC holds 23 permits relating to coastal
catchment. There are three consents associated with CCWSL‘s WTP with a total of 27
conditions. There is one consent to cover water abstraction, one to maintain an in-stream
structure, and one to discharge treated backwash.
This report for the period July 2015 to June 2016 describes the monitoring programme
implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the environmental
performance of the four organisations during the period under review, and the results and
Management Act 1991
1.1.1 Introduction
This report is for the period July 2018 to June 2019 by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) on the
monitoring programme associated with resource consents held by DH Lepper (the Trust). The Trust operates
a piggery situated on Mountain Road at Lepperton, in the Waiongana catchment.
The report includes the results and findings of the monitoring programme implemented by the Council in
respect of the consents held by the Trust that relate to