Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council'' returned 4725 results.

Messenger's Bush

Land Environment Priority 2 – Sand Dunes and Wetlands Priority 4 – Threatened Species Regional: Key Native Ecosystem Representative ecosystem type Regional Ecosystem Loss: Reduced 30-50% left Protection Status: Local Government NZNFR Trust Deed Catchment: Waitara (395) General Description The Messenger's Bush forest remnants are located at the end of Norfolk Road near Egmont

Appendix 7: Agrichemicals managment

179 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki Appendix VII: Good agrichemical spray management practices This Appendix is based on information contained in New Zealand Standard 8409: 2004 Management of Agrichemicals, produced by Agrichemical Education Trust and Standards New Zealand and the Growsafe Introductory Manual 2007, developed by the New Zealand Agrichemical Education Trust. It has been included in the Plan in a

Appendix 6: Agrichemicals training

Taranaki page 175 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki Appendix VI: Training requirements for qualifications to apply agrichemicals The following are the training requirements for an applicator to comply with condition (f) (iv) of Rule 56 and (e) (iii) of Rule 57. The minimum training programme for applicators of agrichemicals

web CIPupdateSept2019

page Taranaki Regional Transport Committee 11 September 2019 CIP connectivity programmes update page Overview – Taranaki region Commercial in Confidence 2 • UFB -~77% Taranaki population -17 cities/towns • Rural Broadband ~-2,415 end users -only 0.3% of regional population left • Mobile black spots: -78 km new State Highway -3 tourism sites -17 new mobile towers • 41 Marae eligible for broadband coverage Overall, 99.8% of New Zealand’s population will

Waiwiri Wetlands

General description The Waiwiri wetlands QEII covenants cover 3.9 ha in total. The area is made up of three small gully systems. Five man-made open water ponds have been created on the valley floors to enhance wetland values at the site. Only small areas of the original native vegetation present in the gullies remain however additional buffer planting around the wetlands and including an adjoining hillside has been undertaken to increase wetland values. Threatened and regionally distinctive

Introduction and planning maps

page 4. Regional rules 4.1 Introduction Section 3.0 of this plan states that regional rules will be used in a number of instances to manage the effects of use, development and protection of the coastal marine area. This section contains the detail of the regional rules to be used to give effect to the policies in this plan. 4.1.1 Effect of Rules The rules in the plan have effect at all times, unless otherwise stated in the rule. Each rule has effect only in the coastal

Applications received 31 July to 6 August 2023

23-03362-3.0 R2/3362-3.0 Palmerdell Trust 31-Jul-23 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 1390 Palmer Road, Stratford Inaha 23-00795-3.0 R2/0795-3.0 Palmerdell Trust 31-Jul-23 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 957 Opunake Road, Stratford Waingongoro 23-00604-3.0 R2/0604-3.0 Estate of Bernard & Kathleen Meyer 31-Jul-23 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land

Lake Herengawe, Te Kiri Bush, Te Wairua o te kohu

page Site protection measures addressing potential and actual threats are as follows: Site protection Yes/No Description A Public ownership or formal agreement Yes Covered by a QEII covenant. B Regulatory protection by local government Yes General regional or district rules might apply. C Active protection Yes Completely fenced. Part of the Self-help Possum Control Programme. page

Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Policy

of contact for any enquiries or complaints regarding the operation of the system and/or image requests  be the first point of contact for any faults or issues with the system Access to CCTV images Only those responsible for the CCTV systems have access to images, however, they may grant access to relevant Council staff as and when required. Images may be disclosed to Police or other authorities for the purpose of upholding the law. Images may be used in court or tribunal

Schedule 4A - Significant species and ecosystems

page 145 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 4 – S ign i f i c an t i n d igenou s b iod i ve r s i t y Schedule 4 – Significant indigenous biodiversity This schedule identifies indigenous species, ecosystems and habitats identified as being regionally significant for their coastal indigenous biodiversity values. Schedule 4A includes a table identifying coastal indigenous flora and fauna species identified as threatened or at risk of extinction as