Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council'' returned 4725 results.

Appendix 10: Statutory acknowledgements

(c) statutory acknowledgements do not affect the lawful rights or interests of a person who is not a party to the deed of settlement or have the effect of granting, creating or providing evidence of an estate or interest in, or any rights relating to a statutory area. Attachment of statutory acknowledgements in accordance with iwi deeds of settlement relating to the Taranaki region To date, seven statutory acknowledgements apply to the Taranaki region – these relate to

Subs 211 310 web

the priority is for the community and for ratepayer expenditure is in a community sport facility (looking at the possibilities of developing the inner race track) which would enable thousands of residents to benefit from. Local Government Funding Agency Scheme Tick if you also wish to submit on the Council's proposal to join the Local Government Funding Agency Scheme No Are you in favour Ordinary Meeting to hear submissions on the 2019/2020 Plan - List of Submissions

Applications received between 05 June 2023 and 11 June 2023

onto land Discharge Permit 167 Duthie Road, Kaponga Inaha 23-11130-1.0 R2/11130-1.0 All Good Properties Limited 08-Jun-23 New consent To discharge stormwater into a natural inland wetland within 100m setback. Discharge Permit 63A Kelly Street, Inglewood Waiongana 23-11131-1.0 R2/11131-1.0 All Good Properties Limited 08-Jun-23 New consent Divert and dam a stream within a 100m setback of a natural inland wetland. Land Use Consent 63A Kelly Street, Inglewood Waiongana 23-11060-1.1 R2/11060-1.1 All

15Furtherinformation AppendixK

Condition 16 Any new groundwater monitoring wells required by condition 14 shall be installed to the following standards; a) Prior to installation of any new wells, confirmed NZTM GPS locations shall be provided to Council for approval. b) All new wells shall be at least 25 metres from any water way (unless otherwise authorised by a separate consent) and be accessible by vehicle; c) All new wells shall be installed by a qualified driller and designed to encounter groundwater and

Applications received 29 May 2023 to 04 June 2023

Mangawhero Road, Kaponga Kaupokonui 23-02765-3.0 R2/2765-3.0 Clark Bros 29-May-23 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 1385 Eltham Road, Kaponga Kaupokonui 23-01875-3.0 R2/1875-3.0 Te Ngutu Golf Club Incorporated 30-May-23 Replacement for expiring consent To maintain a dam on an unnamed tributary of the Waihi Stream for golf course irrigation purposes Land Use Consent 246 Katene Road, Normanby Waihi 5 (Waihi) 23-02283-3.0 R2/2283-3.0 P & J

Urs Signer submission attachment - Remediation NZ

page Pungarehu, 10.2.2019 Submission by Urs Signer Tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou, I am submitting in opposition to the renewal of resource consents to discharge waste material, treated stormwater & leachate, and to discharge emissions into the air from composting operations by Remediation (NZ) Ltd at 1460 Mokau Road, Uruti (Consent No 5838-3.0 and 5839-3.0). In the TRC Technical Report on Remidation NZ (Technical Report 2016-83), the council notes that “[d]uring the monitoring

Remediation Hearing - submitters - Bendall & Baker (Backshall) Supporting Info

odour form Remediation, Uriti Complaint received regarding odour from Remediation, Uriti Complaint received regarding odour at remediation, Mokau Rd, Uriti A number of complaints were received regarding odour from a composting facility in uruti Multiple complaints were made to Council concerning a chemical type odour in the Uruti Valley near Uruti. Complaint received concerning an odour discharging from the composting site at Mokau Road, Uriti. page RNZ odour complaints by

New Plymouth Civic Centre (NPDC)

page Working with people l caring for Taranaki Waste Minimisation CASE STUDY New Plymouth Civic Centre About New Plymouth Civic Centre New Plymouth Civic Centre is the headquarters of the New Plymouth District Council (NPDC), which leases parts of the building to three other organisations. A total of 375 people work there.

Freshwater management challenges - Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor page part of our national identity. The provision and benefits of fresh water to meet economic, social, cultural and environmental needs are referred to as ‘ecosystem services’, and include water for:  intrinsic cultural value and a source of mahinga kai;  potable water supply and household use – and I think councils are now waking up the to the need to be much more aggressive about scientifically directed management;  economic uses

Applications received between 12 June 2023 and 18 June 2023

page Application No. Consent No. Applicant Lodged Date Application Type Description Activity Type Location Catchment 23-11132-1.0 R2/11132-1.0 Cadtess Developments Limited 15-Jun-23 New consent To divert and dam water during periods of flooding Water Permit Waipapa Road, Waitara Unnamed catchment 64 23-06431-2.0 R2/6431-2.0 Taranaki By-Products Limited 15-Jun-23 New consent To erect, place and maintain two culverts in the Inaha Stream for farm access purposes Land Use Consent Kohiti