The distribution maps are based on mathematical modelling and may not accurately represent actual rainfall in some unmonitored areas.
This is raw data and may not have been subjected to a quality control process. All efforts are made to ensure the integrity of the data, but the Council cannot guarantee its accuracy, or its suitability for any purpose. See the full terms and conditions for the use of environmental data(external link). MONITORED SITES RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION Related links Monthly
Families can enjoy the magic of New Plymouth’s Christmas Parade without the worry of traffic and parking, thanks to free bus services on Saturday, 30 November. Taranaki Regional Council is offering complimentary Citylink buses, running on 10 routes, to bring parade-goers into the city in the morning and back home in the afternoon. Transport Engagement Manager for the Council, Cheryl Gazley, says that the free bus services will cover all New Plymouth suburbs, plus Bell Block and Waitara. "We’re
suite of state of the environment (SEM) programmes (over 50) is continuing in 2017/2018. Reports on the
state of and trends in the suitability for recreational use of fresh water and coastal beaches, groundwater quality, and coastal
foreshore ecology have been published. Other reports have considered aspects of SEM reporting as required by the National Policy
Statement on Freshwater Management (NPS-FM) at national level. Support continues for the regional councils' environmental data
regional lake water quality programme is being
reviewed to identify if additional parameters could be included for
greater benefit. Further programmes may be required to address
the proposed amendments made to the NPS for Freshwater.
Prepare and publish the five-yearly state of the environment
report. The next report is due in 2020.
The Council's five-yearly state of the environment report, Taranaki
as one - Taranaki Tangata tu Tahi, was published in July
Confirmation of Minutes – 31 October 2023
Approved by: S J Ruru, Chief Executive
Document: 3232680
That the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Ordinary meeting of the
Taranaki Regional Council held at 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, 31 October 2023.
Matters arising
Document: 3219531 Minutes Ordinary Council meeting 31 October 2023
Ordinary Council - Confirmation of Ordinary
Document: 2752826
That Executive, Audit and Risk Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Executive, Audit and Risk
Committee held in the Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47 Cloten road, Stratford
on Monday 29 March 2020 at 10am
b) notes the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional Council on
Tuesday 6 April 2021.
Matters arising
provide complete details (full names and at least one form of contact details for
Trustees/Partners on page 2). If not completed fully it will be returned as incomplete.
Date Transfer/Name Change Effective From - If future date, otherwise transfer is effective from the date
the Taranaki Regional Council receives this signed form: ________________________________________
Consent details (All consents on property need to be transferred. Please refer to note 1 on back page)
Connector buses have closed-circuit television cameras. Find out why they do, and how and where the images may be used. The Taranaki Regional Council's Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) policy outlines the purpose of operating CCTV cameras on the Connector buses, who is responsible for the system, how and when the images may be used and other general information. This policy is designed to protect the privacy of individuals and comply with our legal obligations under the Privacy Act 1993.
Citylink buses have closed-circuit television cameras. Find out why they do, and how and where the images may be used. The Taranaki Regional Council's Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) policy outlines the purpose of operating CCTV cameras on Citylink buses, who is responsible for the system, how and when the images may be used and other general information. This policy is designed to protect the privacy of individuals and comply with our legal obligations under the Privacy Act 1993.
Inventory of solid wastes management
and disposal in Taranaki
Carried out by the Taranaki Regional Council on behalf
of the Regional Solid Waste Working Party
Inventory of solid wastes
management and disposal
in Taranaki
ISSN: 0114-8184 (Print) Taranaki Regional Council
ISSN:1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713
Document: 620702 STRATFORD
September 2009
Executive summary
The Regional