Hundreds of Taranaki people have already become urban trappers, doing their bit for our precious biodiversity. Why don't you join them? To support our native wildlife and plant diversity, one in five New Plymouth households needs to be actively trapping rats. David MacLeod, the Taranaki Regional Councill Chairman, explains why in this short video: Urban trapping in New Plymouth Get involved and get trapping Off to a good start in New Plymouth
Off to a good start — the existing predator control
The Council’s award-winning Self-Help Possum Control Programme is the largest programme of its type in the country, covering almost all private land on the ring plain, and significant parts of the coast and hillcountry. Taranaki Taku Tūranga - Towards Predator-Free Taranaki
This new initiative aims to build on current pest-control and biodiversity programmes with the aim of making Taranaki the first predator-free region in New Zealand. Read more about Towards Predator-Free Taranaki How the
The Council’s award-winning Self-Help Possum Control Programme is the largest programme of its type in the country, covering almost all private land on the ring plain, and significant parts of the coast and hillcountry. Taranaki Taku Tūranga - Towards Predator-Free Taranaki
This new initiative aims to build on current pest-control and biodiversity programmes with the aim of making Taranaki the first predator-free region in New Zealand. Read more about Towards Predator-Free Taranaki How the
The Council’s award-winning Self-Help Possum Control Programme is the largest programme of its type in the country, covering almost all private land on the ring plain, and significant parts of the coast and hillcountry. Taranaki Taku Tūranga - Towards Predator-Free Taranaki
This new initiative aims to build on current pest-control and biodiversity programmes with the aim of making Taranaki the first predator-free region in New Zealand. Read more about Towards Predator-Free Taranaki How the
Special bus services on Saturday (1 December) will allow families to get to New Plymouth’s Christmas parade minus traffic and parking hassles. Citylink buses will operate on 10 routes, with gold-coin fares accepted. Go to for timetable details and route maps. “The services cover all New Plymouth suburbs, plus Bell Block, Waitara, Oākura and Omata,” says Chris Clarke, Transport Services Manager for the Taranaki Regional Council which provides Citylink services through its
Free bus services on Saturday (28 November) will allow families to get to New Plymouth’s Christmas parade minus traffic and parking hassles. The free Citylink buses will operate on 10 routes. Go to for timetable details and route maps. “The services cover all New Plymouth suburbs, plus Bell Block, Waitara, Oākura and Omata,” says Chris Clarke, Transport Services Manager for the Taranaki Regional Council which provides Citylink services through its contractor Tranzit
A family of copper skinks have set up home in a New Plymouth community garden – with a little help from their human friends. New Zealand’s smallest native lizard used to be common in New Plymouth but is becoming increasingly rare in the city. So when Taranaki Regional Council ecologist Halema Jamieson got a call to say at least four skinks had been spotted at the Marfell Community Garden, she was keen to check them out. The copper skink looks very similar to the Australian plague skink, but
90 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki
Activity Rule Standards/Terms/Conditions Classification Notification Control/Discretion Policy
f) The application of agrichemicals shall only be
carried out by or under the direct supervision
of an appropriately qualified person deemed
by the Council as having such qualifications.
For the purpose of this rule, applicators of
agrichemicals shall hold the following
(i) any ground
The Council administers the Taranaki Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, which is governed by the three District Mayors and the Regional Council Chair. It's vital that the entire Taranaki community is prepared for when, not if, a major emergency occurs. At an individual level, we all need to know what to do in an emergency. While the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group involves officials from all four Taranaki Councils and other agencies, and is responsible for planning and
concrete bleachers under them. “As access to the foundations is made easier, the contractors, Clelands Construction, have been able to make a more detailed assessment of the work required. Completion date for the West Stand repairs is now projected to be November this year,” says David MacLeod, Chair of Taranaki Regional Council which owns Yarrow Stadium. “While we all would have loved to have a stand usable in time for this year’s NPC rugby fixtures, this was always a hope, not a promise. The