Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4939 results.

Stadium update: 'Fantastic' grant adds impetus to project

Today’s $20 million Government injection for Yarrow Stadium is great news for ratepayers and will allow the iconic venue to be back in operation as soon as possible, says the Taranaki Regional Council. “We’re extremely grateful for this ‘shovel-ready’ funding from the Government,” says the Council Chair, David MacLeod. “It will reduce Yarrow Stadium rates by a considerable amount, and we’re aiming for work to begin before the end of the year.” The Stadium’s grandstands were declared

Proposed Coastal Plan submissions summary

page CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I Summary of Decisions Requested Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford 4352 Document number: 2016602 page CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I (This page is internationally blank) page i CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I Table of contents Table

Protecting whio - Towards Predator-Free Taranaki

They used to be extinct from Taranaki Maunga, but a family of six whio surfing down rapids in the upper Whaiwhakaiho River are a good reminder as to why rural predator control is so vital. The native blue ducks were classed as “functionally extinct” from the Maunga in 1945, due to introduced predators - stoats are whio’s number one predator. However, a video captured by Taranaki Regional Council this month shows the whio population is gradually increasing due to intensive predator control.

TRC Bulletin - 26 July 2016

Items of interest from today's meeting of the Council's Consents and Regulatory Committee: Resource consents Resource consents allow industries to operate, and enable economic activity and employment. Three hundred and eighty-two consents were issued by Taranaki Regional Council over the 2015/2016 financial year, slightly down on 400 the previous year. This was probably due to an economic downturn in the oil, gas and dairy sectors, the Consents and Regulatory Committee was told on Tuesday.

Environmental Action in Water Quality Improvement

Find out more about the winner of the award, Otaraua Hapū Taiao Team. This award is proudly sponsored by SLR Consulting Winner Otaraua Hapū Taiao Team For taking action to protect and enhance water quality and biodiversity values within Taranaki water bodies Otaraua Hapū Taiao Team’s dedication and commitment to improving fish passages in Taranaki streams is helping to identify and address issues affecting these vital ecological corridors. The group’s Mauri Wai team has been working with NIWA

Liquid waste disposal & septic tanks

This information is particularly relevant for those outside the reach of municipal wastewater systems operated by District Councils. If you want to dispose of trade or commercial waste into water (a stream or river), you’ll need a resource consent from the Regional Council. If you’re discharging trade waste into a community wastewater system, you’ll need to comply with any trade waste bylaws or rules imposed by your District Council. Domestic wastewater Domestic wastewater requires proper

Liquid waste disposal & septic tanks

This information is particularly relevant for those outside the reach of municipal wastewater systems operated by District Councils. If you want to dispose of trade or commercial waste into water (a stream or river), you’ll need a resource consent from the Regional Council. If you’re discharging trade waste into a community wastewater system, you’ll need to comply with any trade waste bylaws or rules imposed by your District Council. Domestic wastewater Domestic wastewater requires proper

Routes & timetables

holiday shopping, or just exploring the region, let us take care of the driving while you enjoy the perks: 🎁 Save money for holiday treats 🚍 Skip parking hassles and traffic stress 🌍 Make a positive impact on the environment All routes are included, including Citylink (New Plymouth, Bell Block and Waitara), Connector (Hāwera to New Plymouth), and Southlink (Ōpunake to New Plymouth) services. 📅 Plan your trip today and make the most of Free Fridays this December. Check out the routes below: Follow

Free bus travel for Covid-19 vaccination appointments

Taranaki residents can get a free bus ride to and from their Covid-19 vaccination appointments from this Monday. With the support of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, the Taranaki Regional Council is offering free public transport to help residents and their caregiver or dependents attend vaccine appointments and return home afterwards. To travel for free, simply show the bus driver your appointment letter or text confirmation on your mobile phone. Drivers will only be checking that your