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GPS tracking collars on predators in rural Taranaki

and released by Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, which is collaborating with rural Taranaki landowners, Taranaki Regional Council and Taranaki Mounga Project as part of Towards Predator-Free Taranaki. Ecologists from Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research captured and collared four stoats, weasels, and ferrets (mustelids) on farmland surrounding Egmont National Park. They will return in the coming weeks to catch more stoats and ferrets. The GPS tracking collars will provide insight into stoat movements


level), oil and grease content, suspended solids, biological oxygen demand (BOD) and ammonia and chlorine levels. Refer to Rule 23 of the Regional Fresh Water Plan, call 0800 736 22 or email for details. The discharge does not result in environmental impacts such as oil or grease films, discolouration or adverse effects on aquatic life. If these conditions cannot be met, you must apply to the Council for a resource consent. Note that no consent will be granted for applications


level), oil and grease content, suspended solids, biological oxygen demand (BOD) and ammonia and chlorine levels. Refer to Rule 23 of the Regional Fresh Water Plan, call 0800 736 22 or email for details. The discharge does not result in environmental impacts such as oil or grease films, discolouration or adverse effects on aquatic life. If these conditions cannot be met, you must apply to the Council for a resource consent. Note that no consent will be granted for applications

Wells, bores & groundwater

water supplies as long as: You provide the Council with a copy of the bore log no more than four weeks after completion. Any bore is cased and sealed. Any bore is more than 50m from any effluent treatment pond, septic tank, or silage pit. Any bore is more than 500m away from the high tide mark on the coast or from other water supply bores. Any well is at least 25m from the sea, adjacent wells, and any other water body and at least 50m from any effluent treatment pond, septic tank or silage pit. You

Wells, bores & groundwater

water supplies as long as: You provide the Council with a copy of the bore log no more than four weeks after completion. Any bore is cased and sealed. Any bore is more than 50m from any effluent treatment pond, septic tank, or silage pit. Any bore is more than 500m away from the high tide mark on the coast or from other water supply bores. Any well is at least 25m from the sea, adjacent wells, and any other water body and at least 50m from any effluent treatment pond, septic tank or silage pit. You

Appendix 7: Removal of PCBs

located. Contractual arrangements were made with Transpacific Technical Services for the removal of all PCB items that the Council would recover from the site (20 February 2008). David de Jager of TDHB was contacted by Gary on 18 February to advise of the Council’s intention to recover all PCBs where ease of removal allowed this. David confirmed by return phone call on the morning of Tuesday 19 February that this was acceptable subject to their storage at the Council being kept to a minimum.

Operations and Regulatory Agenda Nov 2023 web

Executive Document: 3223052 Recommendations That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) takes as read and confirms the minutes of the Operations and Regulatory Committee meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford on 10 October 2023 at 9.00am b) notes the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional Council on Tuesday 31 October 2023. Matters arising Appendices/Attachments Document

Natural hazards

Taranaki faces significant potential natural hazards and a number of specialist studies have been carried out to assess the nature and/or likely impacts of these hazards. Liquefaction A report by GNS Science in 2013 found the liquefaction hazard is limited to only a few areas in Taranaki. The report was commissioned by the Taranaki Regional Council and the New Plymouth, Stratford and South Taranaki District Councils. Liquefaction hazard in Taranaki - GNS Science (8.3 MB pdf) See fact sheet

Can I swim here?

Find out if it's safe to swim at your local river, lake or beach. Recreational water quality Every Tuesday, from 1 November to 31 March, TRC check the water quality at 41 recreational rivers, lakes and beach sites all over Taranaki. Water sampling results take 3 days from the time of testing to publishing on our website. If you plan to swim today, here are some signs to look out for before jumping into the water. Has it rained in the last three days? Rain washes contaminants from land into