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TRC Interim Technical Memorandum Lake Trophic State NOF Baseline State September 2023

growth, as well as from losing oxygen in bottom waters of deep lakes. >12 >60 For lakes and lagoons that are intermittently open to the sea, monitoring data should be analysed separately for closed periods and open periods. Lake monitoring in the Taranaki region Prior to 2022, lake monitoring undertaken by the Taranaki Regional Council largely focused on a single lake, Lake Rotorangi. Lake Rotorangi is an artificial lake used for hydroelectric generation and monitoring has

TRC Technical Memorandum Periphyton trophic state 11 May 2023

these categories are in the default class. Further, as the maximum amount of periphyton biomass is affected by the amount of nutrients in the water column, the NPS-FM also requires councils to set appropriate in-stream concentrations and exceedance criteria for dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) to regulate periphyton biomass growth (Ministry for the Environment, 2020). Periphyton monitoring in the Taranaki region In 2018, Taranaki Regional

Supplier Terms and Conditions

registered, display the words “Tax Invoice” or “Taxable Supply Information”, include the Supplier’s GST number and show that the amount payable includes GST; Be addressed to Taranaki Regional Council and display one of the following addresses: 47 Cloten Road Private Bag 713 Stratford 4332 Stratford 4352 Be emailed to or posted to Taranaki Regional Council, Private Bag 713, Stratford, 4352. page Defective Invoices: Invoices that do not comply with the

TRC Interim Technical Memorandum Dissolved Oxygen and Ecosystem Metabolism NOF Baseline State September 2023

Regional Council (TRC) receives data from nine permanent dissolved oxygen monitoring sites within the region. All of these monitoring sites are maintained by the TRC, with data being continuously recorded at an interval of 15 minutes, as per the National Environmental Monitoring Standard (NEMS) for Dissolved Oxygen (NEMS, 2016). In determining the appropriate dataset to inform baseline state, available site data was assessed for the best state against the options set out in the NPS-FM

SEM Lake Rotorangi Annual Report 2020-2021

page Lake Rotorangi State of the Environment Monitoring Annual Report 2020-2021 Technical Report 2021-63 page Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Document: 2866790 (Word) Document: 2886677 (Pdf) November 2021 page Lake Rotorangi State of the Environment Monitoring Annual Report 2020-2021 Technical Report 2021-63

TRC Interim Technical Memorandum E.coli and Cyanobacteria NOF Baseline State September 2023

terms of E. coli by 2030.  97% of lakes with a perimeter of 1.5 km or more to be in the blue, green or yellow category in terms of E. coli by 2030. Monitoring data and available information has improved since the initial targets were identified, and as such these regional targets will be able to be revised as Council sets target attribute states in relation to human contact attributes. Spatial water quality models have been utilized to assess current baseline state in

Operations and Regulatory Committee Agenda July 2023

Regulatory Committee meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford on 6 June 2023 at 9.00am b) notes the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional Council on Tuesday 27 June 2023. Matters arising Appendices/Attachments Document: 3177981 Minutes Operations and Regulatory Committee 6 June 2023. Operations and Regulatory Committee - Confirmation of Minutes Operations and Regulatory

February 2024 Environmental Data Report

page Taranaki Regional Council Monthly Rainfall and Environmental Data Report for February 2024 Note: The data presented here are provisional data only and may change as a result of quality control at a later date. 1. Rainfall Map 1: February total rainfall (mm) and percentage of long-term mean (colour key). page Map 1a. Total rainfall 1 January to end February (mm) and percentage of long-term mean (colour key). page Table 1:

R11 Saturday East - Jul 2023

High School New Plymouth Girls High School Sacred Heart College Welbourn School B R O O K L A N D S R D UPJOHN ST HORI ST POWDERHAM ST VIVIAN ST 4 1 3 5 S M A R T R D A KARAKA ST Ph 0800 87 22 87 TaranakiPublicTransport ROUTE 11 Saturday EAST Citylink is operated by Tranzit Coachlines with the support of the Taranaki Regional Council ARIKI ST C U R R IE S T L IA R D E